
I have started a website and have begun a petition that will be sent to every congressman and the President when I reach 1000 names. The purpose of this petition is to make it federal law that WLS should have mandatory coverage if NIH guidelines are met! There is no reason morbidly obese people should be held back from this surgery! Here's the link: Thank you and feel free to e-mail me with any questions!    — SMG I. (posted on November 18, 2002)

November 18, 2002
What a awesome idea!
   — bob-haller

November 18, 2002
Great Idea. Please update us on your progress.
   — Cindy M.

November 18, 2002
Congressman Jerry Nadler from Brooklyn, NY was on the Today show this morning, and just made public that he's had WLS, as well. So, that should bring it closer to home for those in Washington. Great idea!
   — Leslie F.

November 18, 2002
You might want to send this out to all of the support groups to obtain people that are not on this website as well. Let me know if I can help in any way.
   — Linda A.

November 18, 2002
As someone that had to self pay and put myself into some serious debt to do so, I definately intend to sign. It's so unfair that we are just expected to suffer and not get help. If I were an alcoholic or drug addict seeking help it would have been covered by my insurance. But because it's obesity, they say to have some willpower. Just stop eating so much. Well, I'm sorry to sound unsympathetic, but the same could be said for an alcoholic or drug addict as well. Obesity is at much a disease as alcoholism or drug addiction, or anything else, and it should be covered as so. <Stepping down of my soap box now.> =) Wonderful idea you have here!
   — KelBurt

November 18, 2002
I've signed the petition and passed this information on to others. I would like to see much more than 1,000
   — faybay

November 18, 2002
I think this is so awesome! I signed it & forwarded the link with an explanation to my family & friends! Please let us all know the outcome!
   — Binxalways

November 18, 2002
So let's do it! I'll sign the petition!!
   — yourdivaness

November 18, 2002
Bob- Hmm. What sort of job security do you think people in the military have? I don't know if you meant that the way I took it. I hope not. People in the military DIE all of the time so that you and I can sit here in FREEDOM and type on our little computers and are free to pursue better health with WLS. They protect us from horrible people that want things like 9/11 to happen again. People who serve in our military deserve our thanks and support, not snide, unsubstantiated comments about job security. Please think before you write stuff like that because a lot of us are in the military, have people we love in the military, or have lost people we love in service to our country. Ok, I'm off my soapbox.
   — Write L.

November 18, 2002
I think this is a wonderful idea. However, after looking at your site there is one thing I have a problem with, and that is the fact that just anyone can view the petition and my personal information/e-mail address. Yes, I know it is accessible on this site, but somehow that doesn't bother me quite as much. I think this has the potential to become HUGE if we push it and before you go much further thought I would suggest maybe you take a look at the on-line petition services offered by: <br><br> <br><br> I think this can be set up to offer a bit more privacy to those who sign. At any rate, you have an excellent idea and I thank you for taking your time to get it started.!
   — dustyz

November 18, 2002
In defense for Bob- I don't think his answer was offensive to the military. I am a ex-Marine. I agree with him and job security and health care issues. Our family is always concerned about that. Yes we appreciate our freedom, but I don't think Bob was being offensive at all.
   — Elizabeth C.

November 18, 2002
Cheryl, you have a choice to make your entry private so that no one can view it. You may exercise that right.
   — SMG I.

November 18, 2002
Cheryl, What a awesome idea! Keep us updated. And I also add a defence of Bob. I am a military spouse, and I agree, even now, retired from the Navy we have the security of medical insurance and retirememnt pay. And for 20 years didn't have to worry about being Laid off, as my husband is now. Most who join the military do so because we choose to and we have a desire to support and defend our country.
   — Tami D.

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