Has anyone experienced PAIN during sex after WLS?

I wish I could do this anon. but here it goes? I feel like my hubby has doubled in size and is trying to pound on walls that were not there before =). By the way, this is only in certain positions (which happens to be my favorite ones). Am I alone in this? I have searched the library for hours on this subject. Thanks, Beffy    — Beffy W. (posted on October 8, 2002)

October 8, 2002
Yeah, it really bites that I can't answer anon either. I have the same prob. I believe it is because there isn't any fat in the way that keeps the *whole length* from 'pounding the walls'. Geez, hope I don't sound too graphic. My husband knows that he can't go in all the way in certain positions. So no, you are not alone in this.
   — Cheri M.

October 8, 2002
I think Cheri is right. I've had the same problem. I'm pretty sure he's now hitting my cervix, which gives me a dull thudding painful feeling. I'm assuming this is just hurting now because he didnt reach all the way to the back before? I'm hoping that after a while my insides will get used to it again and the pain will stop. It's nice to see I'm not the only one experiencing this.
   — Monica H.

October 8, 2002
I noticed that my husband is suddenly more endowed than he was before (ha, ha). It seems that even your mons are (the fatty pad behind where your pubic hair is) gets chubbier when you are obese, and of course the tush and inner when you begin to lose weight, all those things lose weight too, causing a deeper penetration. You'll just have to make adjustments or invent something that stops him from pounding too far. Have a sense of humor!
   — missmollyk

October 8, 2002
Thanks so much for your honest answer. Glad to see I am not alone and you share my pain. LOL
   — Beffy W.

October 8, 2002
Hey...inventing something is a good idea... I wonder if there are butt pads on the market LOL
   — Beffy W.

October 8, 2002
I have nothing to add to this subject except...lucky ya'll. I guess this is just yet another benefit of WLS!
   — rebeccamayhew

October 8, 2002
OK...another person checking in who wishes she could remain anonymous! I agree with the other posters - when those layers of fat are gone, I think you experience more sensation. I am experiencing the same thing with my boyfriend...sometimes feels like he's pushing my insides around! (blushing) I have to remind him that in certain positions he's gotta go easy on me! LOL
   — sssuzie1

October 8, 2002
I was thinking about calling my gyno to ask her what's going on! Same "problem" here. My honey thinks I don't love him sometimes. I'm just trying to get away from the Ouch! Once again, I'm glad to know it's not just me. :o)
   — Jennifer A.

October 8, 2002
Yeah, same thing has happened to me. Glad I'm not the only one. And I'm only 4 months post-op! My boyfriend never fell short in that department, and I just hope it doesn't get increasingly painful. Hopefully it is the same as when our butts get sore because of loss of padding and the pain will lessen when our bodies adjust.
   — Jennifer Y.

October 8, 2002
So glad I saw this post-and that I am not alone- this has definatly become a problem- I am much more sensitve now!
   — ~~Stacie~~

October 15, 2002
I have to join in and raise my hand. Sometimes I freak my poor hubby out becasue he'll find the spots inside he's never been before and I let out a yelp!! We laughed so hard after I convinced him that he didn't break me LOL... Also glad to hear that I'm not the only one... (blush)
   — lilmskitty

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