Tell me if this makes any sense. Can I begin trying to lose some weight before

surgery, so that I will reach my expected weight for my height according to all those charts? My surgeon said that I will likely lose around 100 lbs, but that will put me at 193, which is pretty close to 200! Does this idea make any sense? Is this possible? I'm thinking if I can lose a little weight, say optomistically (not likely) 50 lbs, I'll be down to 250, and around a year after surgery I'll be able to get down to 150. Is this possible, or am I overlooking something... Has anyone done this? Thanks so much!    — Toni M. (posted on September 29, 2002)

September 29, 2002
I have been trying to lose weight prior to surgery and have lost about 20 lb so far. I figure that's 20 lbs less I'll need to lose after surgery. You may lose more than 100 lbs - it depends on how careful you are with your diet and how much you add exercise. Choosing to control your weight prior to surgery is choosing life - always a good idea! Good luck to you!
   — JoAnn B.

September 29, 2002
I weighed 346 the day of my surgery. That was 10 months ago today and I now weigh 195. That's a loss of 151 pounds and I'm still losing. There is no way to tell in advance how much you will lose. The average is 65% of the excess weight but that is an average - some lose more and others less. I am careful about what I eat - I leave starchy carbs alone and I don't eat the sugar free cookies and candies. I eat a lot of protein and then veggies and fruit. I don't exercise much because of severe arthritis in my knees. I will probably have to have both knees replaced sometime in the next two or three years. By the way, I am 56 years old and age is supposed to slow us down too. If you can lose before your surgery, so much the better. But it won't guarantee that you will attain the number you are seeking. Best ofluck to you
   — Patty_Butler

September 29, 2002
Loosing pre op is always good, espically with exercise. Healthier pre op makes for a easier surgery. But many like me gain:( Last supper syndrome did me in. Some surgeons require 45 days of milk only diets with no solid foods at all. Yep just milk and vitamins:(:( I think thats cruel.
   — bob-haller

September 29, 2002
One of the girls on another list lost almost 70# in 5 months. She just did protein drinks 4X per day, no milk, no sugar and "sensible eating". She HAD to lose 40# before she could have surgery. She has now had surgery and has done extremely well in her recovery.
   — vitalady

September 29, 2002
Anything you can lose before surgery is a pound you won't have to lose with after surgery. In the 6 months before my surgery on 8/15, I lost 41 pounds with 1600-calories a day dieting. Was slow, but it made it easier to adapt to what kind of eating I'm doing now.
   — Cathy S.

September 30, 2002
Another advantage of losing some weight before surgery is that it reduces the fat in your liver. If you are having lap it makes it much easier for the surgeon to see. Also, if you do some weight training, I think it helps in your recovery since your arms and legs are stronger and can support your weight better so you don't have to rely on your abdominals as much. I lost 15 pounds before surgery by eating less sugar, cutting out soft drinks, and doing weight training.
   — ctyst

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