This is my 3rd bladder infection in 4 months! Has anyone had the same experience?

I am 4 1/2 months post op and this is my third bladder infection! I have gone to my family doctor each time and have been put on antibiotics. He said one more and he's sending me to a Urologist. My sister is also 4 1/2 months post op and she's had 3 UTI's as well. The doctors are not sure why this is happening. Have any of you posties had experience with this? If so, what did your doctors tell you?    — Traci A. (posted on September 23, 2002)

September 23, 2002
I Had the same problem. 2 infections in 3 months, The Doctor said it could be from the cath I had after surgery. Iam 5 months today and have not had any problems in a couple months. If you are not getting you water in, try hard to do that, and even increase if you can Good Luck Hugs
   — Jeri P.

September 23, 2002
I had 3 UTI's in the first 3 months after surgery, too. My doctor thinks it may have begun with the catheter in the hospital, but I was having diarrhea daily, and she thought I was transmitting bacteria from the diarrhea to the urethra. I started on FiberChoice, two tablets a day, and haven't had a UTI since. It helps prevent the diarrhea. Good luck.
   — Kris V.

September 23, 2002
Very easy to explain. The same thing happened to me, and the doctors said it was because I wasn't drinking enough - period! I thought I was doing really good with my 60-64 oz., but I neglected to remember that, since I wasn't getting in very much food (which also contains a lot of water), I was still dehydrated. I would seriously aim for 100+ oz. of water per day to prevent UTIs.
   — Terissa R.

September 24, 2002
Try drinking some cranberry juice, the acidity really helps to kill the bacteria. I think there are some lower sugar brands out there, too.
   — cjabates

September 24, 2002
Traci, I'm emailing you a text document that says what I do for urinary tract infections to stop them BEFORE they start. After they start you need to see a doctor. I've had tons of people email and ask what I do for them, but no one has ever emailed back to say if it worked or not. However do to many complications from gender surgery I am extremely prone to UTI's now. And at the first sign... "burning down there" I use hydrogen peroxide. It kills the germs "down there" before they travel up the urethra and into the bladder. It does'nt hurt and it's cheap. So far I have'nt had to see a urologist since Feb 94 (if I remember right). I was going through a living hell. Now my Mom uses it too! :)
   — Danmark

September 24, 2002
My bladder infections actually were from me not peeing immediately after having sex, and really "drying out"... I do not get to lounge comfortably after the act, as I am now forced to head to the commode and MAKE SURE I have peed all I can pee (you should do this ANY WAY anytime you feel a twinge- sex or no sex)... if I don't, then I get infections. I have not had an infection in over 7 years since I have been diligent in my after care.
   — Karen R.

September 25, 2002
First of all I have suffered a "sensitive" bladder my whole life. I had one doctor tell me never to drink anything but water. Since that wasn't going to happen...I have found certain things that help. Pee pee pee go every two hours if you can. Be extra careful wiping. Drink Drink Drink. Aviod carbonation(not a problem since surgery right :)) Pee before and after intercourse. Prevents transmission of bacteria. Drink a cranberry type juice. I drink cran-grape light by oceanspray. It is made with Splenda and I half it with water. Keeps my tract healthy. Also does your surgeon know you are having this problem? If not you pcp may be under dosing your meds and the orginal UTI is still there. Our bodies now absorb meds differently to! I had an infection the first week post op(pretty bad saw blood) and called my surgeon who put me on Ciparo once a day. I believe they were 500mm. It took the full 5 days to get better. If you are having diarreha that will also increase your risk by contamination. I know a shower each time is out of the question but a bottle of warm water with a squeeze top used to wash yourself after each pee and bowel movement could also help. Best of Luck getting better!
   — Adriane T.

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