Has anyone been able to change careers post-op?

Specifically, I am now wanting to be a nurse and never thought that would be possible...I am still about 60lbs overweight and about halfway to goal. I was a travel agent for 15 years and was laid off last year. Now I'm getting to the point where I can't use my weight as an excuse to not try something new..Any new nurses (or other physically strenuous careers) out there?    — Jennifer C (posted on September 21, 2002)

September 22, 2002
Go for it! There is no reason to not follow your plans and dreams.
   — Darlene P.

September 22, 2002
My daughter in law will be one year post on October 17. She just went to work for the fire dept. Something she would have never tried to do before. Go for it!
   — Sue A.

September 22, 2002
I always wanted to work as a police offcer or animal controll officer but never though I could but now I diffently see that it will happen for me soon after my surgery.
   — sheri B.

September 22, 2002
I have been an RN for 28 years. I weighed about 150 lbs when i graduated in 1974, and reached 355 lbs by 1991. I wasn't a pretty sight, but I did my job. I lost 106 lbs on phen/fen in the early 90's, and gained about half of that back after phen/fen was taken away. I was 304 when I had a lap BPD/DS a year ago (10/01). I'm 190 now, and 45 lbs from goal. Go for it! If you really want to try, go to the local community college and get all the info you can. It's an emotionally as well as a physically demanding career.
   — dantevolta

September 22, 2002
GO FOR IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There is absolutely no reason why you can't do this! If not now, when? "A dream deferred is a dream denied." I KNOW YOU CAN DO IT! And just think of the empathy you'll have for the MO patients you'll see. We need more people like you as nurses. Do it.
   — Angie M.

September 22, 2002
CJ, go for it...espically the nurse thing as there is such a shortage now in the US. You can pretty much go to college for free with all the insentives schools and hospitals are offering nurses. My sister starts nursing school next week and all the hopsitals in Philly offering like $25-$50K sign on bonuses or tuition forgiveness (they payoff your loan)...GOOD LUCK!
   — heathercross

September 22, 2002
I am a Radiologic Technologist educator in a community college. This is also a physically strenuous(sp?)profession with a major shortage. Its just something else to consider in the health care field. I was doing it at 325 pounds now I am 240. Believe me, its a thousand times easier to do now! Good luck with whatever you choose!
   — Jennett I.

September 22, 2002
Go for it!! I am also looking into nursing school. The hopital's school that I want to go to will pay back your loan as long as you are working for them. Everyone has told me now is the time since there is such a shortage of nurses. I just found out that I won't be able to go to school until May though because I have to take my ACT test and they won't get my results back in time to start in October. Good luck
   — Bethany F.

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