I am on coumadin, I will go off it a week or so before surgery. Do I need to worry

post surgery about clotting, I will be back on it as soon as it is decided safe to do so. Thanks in advance    — Connie C. (posted on September 10, 2002)

September 9, 2002
Did your Doctor make the move to take you off of the Coumadin a week before surgery. Will your Doctor monitor your every moment during and after surgery? Will your Doctor decide when to re-start the Coumadin? My point - this issue is a medical one - for the professionals - your Doctor in this case, in whose hands you are placing your very life. Why would you ask a list of strangers - average, mostly non-Doctors, largely uneducated people - about whether or not you should be worried about clotting? TRUST the PRO's!!
   — Cathy J.

September 9, 2002
As the previous poster said, you should address your questions to a medical professional. However, let me add that I have been on Coumadin since January (had blood clots in both lungs). My PCP took me off of it 5 days prior to surgery (that's how long the Coumadin lasts in your system). I had no problems with post-op bleeding. I believe it was about 1-2 weeks afterwards before I was started on the Coumadin again.
   — John Rushton

September 9, 2002
Did it occur to you that this is a question for your Doc...sheesh!
   — Jeanese N.

September 9, 2002
Hi... Since we are ALL here to help support questions, fears and concerns, there are no dumb questions ever. I agree you need good dialog with your Dr and this is definitely a medical decision. I also would ask him if a Greenfield Filter might be a good option to you. It is placed normally through the neck/clavical area or groin and about mid-point so that it filters clots going to the heart, lungs or brain. With a history of clotting, it might be a really good option for you. I had one put in the day before my surgery and they left the central line in so that it was ready to go the next day. I've had no issues at all and with family history of stroke/heart/clots, it removed a real concern. I am 5 months post op and down 71#. My best to you.
   — AJC750

September 10, 2002
Hi, Connie. I'm sorry I have no advice for you, I also agree you need to consult w/ your doctor. I was just a little shocked when I read a couple of the RUDE responses on here, like from "Jeanese" & "Cathy J." Please people, don't try to make someone feel stupid just for asking a question. I'm sure she was just looking for advice from other people who also take Coumadin. Remember this phrase: "If you don't have anything nice to say...don't say anything at all." Take care, Connie. Please keep us posted on your progress...
   — j-bird333

September 10, 2002
>>the RUDE responses on here, like from "Jeanese" & "Cathy J." Please people, don't try to make someone feel stupid just for asking a question. >> It's called commonsense...
   — Jeanese N.

September 10, 2002
Jeanese, my parents taught me if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all. If you don't have anything positive to contribute to a Q&A, you (and the AMOS membership) are better off if you don't contribute at all. Many patients don't get to see or talk to their doctors that often... I am sure that the original poster intends on asking her PCP (this is who she should be talking to - the surgeon will almost always defer to the PCP in non-surgical matters). However, she'd like to have her concerns addressed here as well.
   — John Rushton

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