Should I get some extra life insurance

I just got approved (yea!)and as I think about it all, I wonder if I should get some additional life insurance - just incase...Is it legal to get life ins., prior to surgery? Our ins. agent is also a family friend and I don't want to ask and then have to explain anything. I know it sounds a little morbid, but hey, It would be one less worry (for us all).    — Anne F. (posted on August 22, 2002)

August 22, 2002
I also thought about life insurance. I have State Farm in Indiana and tried to add the life through them. I was told that I had to be under 300 pounds to get the policy and also that they will not issue insurance if surgery will be within three months, So if you are going to add it don't wait to close to surgery date.
   — Carrie R.

August 22, 2002
I'm not sure if anyone has fully done the research on this topic but it seems there have been several posts about life insurance. Some people couldn't get it AFTER the surgery and the weight loss. I would think if you can find it before the surgery, you should buy it and keep it until such time as you lose the weight and might be able to get insured by another company for hopefully less money. I'm concerned because I have a pretty hefty policy but it's through my employer. What happens if I lose weight through WLS and then switch jobs and can't get any more insurance? This is scary and I need to be looking into. Thanks for the push I needed! Nelly (Lap RNY 9/16/02)
   — Nell C.

August 23, 2002
I got insurance after surgery. I did have a little trouble. State Farm wouldn't touch me. I was approved for both NY Life and Banner for a nice cushy amount. Banner did up my rates, although not due to the surgery but ironically due to mitral valve prolapse which I have had asymptomatically for years. The dr's always told me it was not that big of a deal. I ended up with NY Life.
   — ctyst

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