Anyone else out there with post op joint pain?

Hi! I am 8 months post op and down 106 lbs. I have noticed since losing all the weight that all my joints constantly hurt. My back, hips, knees, ankles and body just hurt all the time. I take tylenol but that doesn't seem to cut it for very long. Having recently moved I have to wait to get in to see a new surgeon. Anybody else with these aches and pains? (I never had joint problems pre-op). And what do you do about the pain? I can't sleep at night for waking up from the pain. Thanks for your help!    — purdue_1993 (posted on August 3, 2002)

August 3, 2002
I'm so sorry to hear about your pain! The first thing that comes to mind is Osteoporosis. But from what I've heard there usually aren't warning signs for that. Also, I'm wondering if it has anything to do with how strong your muscles are. You have muscles everywhere, maybe that has something to do with it. Are you doing any weight-baring exercise? Lastly, I'm thinking of arthritis. I'm not a doctor, but these are just some thoughts I had. Good luck!
   — Christine L.

August 3, 2002
Hi! Congrats. on your weight loss!! I'm a fairly new post-op. Out 10 weeks -54 lbs. and boy, can I relate to your joint pain!! I'm 32 years old but I'm starting to feel like I'm 90!! I hurt all over, especially my lower back, knees, ankles, and hips ( its the hip pain that wakes me up at night, I can't stay in one spot too long). I see that your 8 mos. out, when did your pain start? I don't have a solution for you :-( but I will keep an eye on this question to see if theres anybody out there besides you and me with this problem! Good luck!! I totally sympathize with you!!
   — Tambi B.

August 3, 2002
This is a complete guess but here goes.........when I was pregnant a few years ago, I had a lot of joint pain especially in my hips, even before I gained very much weight. My doctor told me then that the hormones were causing temporary changes in the joints. I have had a little bit of joint pain since having WLS and losing over a 100 pounds. I know that our hormones are way out of whack with all the weight loss, maybe it is causing similar effects like the pregnancy. I dont know, but the idea has occured to me. Congrats on the weight loss and best of luck to you!
   — Cory F.

August 3, 2002
I had my pre-surgery testing the other day. I currently take Lodine for my joint pain (osteoarthritis) and asked what I could do post-op for joint pain since I couldn't take the Lodine or any NSAID any more. I was told that they would have to supplement with Tylenol and Darvocet as needed until my blood pressure came down and I was off blood pressure meds and then I could probably take Vioxx. You might ask about that, but that was my doctor's potential solution.
   — Cathy S.

August 3, 2002
I read in Barabara Thompson's book that it is somewhat common for post-ops to have alot of joint pain becuase the body is trying to adjust to the new weight distribution etc.. one of the things she reccomended is a chiropractor....I'd ask my Dr. thenif they say okay go see a chiropractor and give it a try....Good Luck
   — Lisa G.

August 3, 2002
OMG, I thought I was the only one having this problem. My knees are the worst.
   — Ruth C.

August 3, 2002
I feel your pain!!! My knees hurt. I am over two years post op and my knees hurt bad. So i do low pact aerobics to help keep it from stiffing up. I also stretch alot as well as walk. I think going to a chiropactic sounds like a good idea. i just might do that!!!
   — Sharon T.

August 3, 2002
I am 7.5 weeks post op -50lbs and I had a consult with a chiropractor last week. He weighed me on 2 scales and said that on my right side, I was carrying about 2/3 of my body weight and this was causing pressure and PAIN. So it may not be a bad idea to go if you have the opportunity. Best wishes.
   — lturman

August 6, 2002
I had the leg cramps and joint pain in my hips, down the front and back of my lower legs(restless feelings) where I couldn't sit too long in one position. I use "Red Rub" a Native American product and keeps it under control without the use of Tylenol or pain medications. If you would like for me to send you one of my samples I would be happy too. You can get ordering information from the label on the packet, it is made here in Oklahoma. My e-mail is [email protected]
   — Renee A.

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