PCP will not write a letter of medical necessity...what can I do?

What needs to be in the letter? My doctor wrote a letter stating my weight issue and subsequent diets but apparently that is not enough. Help any suggestions?    — M M. (posted on July 30, 2002)

July 30, 2002
I agree with the other poster. If he won't write another letter, get a new PCP who will note it as being medically necessary. You need your PCP in your corner and if you don't think he is, get a new one!
   — Kris T.

July 30, 2002
I thought that Dr.'s were not supposed to get their feelings in the way of what is best for the patient. Sounds like someone needs to remind your PCP of that....I would change PCP's in a hot second...Most dr's are VERY supportive of their patients wanting quality of life, not trying to keep them where they are at so that they can deteriorate.....I would change IMMEDIATELY, but yet I am one of those people that takes their life into their own hands.....
   — Joi G.

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