I live in a small town, what do I say when people ask about all the weight loss?

I haven't even been to my consult, but I am already stressing over this. I'm quite chatty and know quite a few people in this small town I live in. However, I am not up for telling everyone about my possible surgery. I am even more afraid to tell family members - they will think I am crazy & desperate (I am!). Any suggestions?    — Anne F. (posted on July 11, 2002)

July 11, 2002
I certainly can relate to your concern. I fear some will think I'm taking the "easy way out" and think even worse of my decsion. Frankly, it's a private decision and can stay that way. However, I do suggest you tell SOMEONE because I think will help having someone who can help you through this ordeal. But for all those other people who really don't need to know the truth you can just tell them that you have started a VLC (Very Low Calorie) diet that your doctor recommended and look at how grea it's working. If they press on for more information turn it back around on them and say, "Why do you wish to know?" That usually keeps people quiet. Hope that helps...that's what I plan to do! GOOD LUCK!
   — Lisa A.

July 11, 2002
I have had 2 neighbors ask me about my weightloss. Well, they didn't ask, merely commented that I had lost a lot of weight. I thanked them and just told them that I am eating less. It's the truth, I am eating less ......they don't need to know I had surgery. It's no one's business but your own.
   — Kim B.

July 11, 2002
I tell people a version of the truth: I am eating small frequent meals, concentrate on high protein, low carbs and low sugar, drink alot of water and exercise. That has satisfied everyone who has asked...
   — Cindy R.

July 11, 2002
Having this surgery is nothing to be ashamed of! It doesn't mean you have failed - I believe you have succeeded greatly!! It is hard to admit that you have a problem and seek measures to alleviate your problem. I am proud that I am a WLS patient and have told anyone who happens to ask. It is amazing the support you get from people. Now to deal with your family.....this was a concern of mine. I opted to write a letter explaining my feelings about my weight, my appearance, how I have felt growing up and why I was seeking WLS as an option. I was amazed to find that I receive 100% support from all of my immediate family. I have yet to share my story with aunts, uncles and cousins. I felt only a small number of my family needed to know. When I see my extended family at Christmas time, I will explain it to them. Your family may think you are "crazy" and "desperate", but remember that you are doing what you feel and know is best for you! If you have friends/relatives that are strongly opposed, you need to break ties (take a break so to speak) from that individual and continue to surround yourself with supporters! It works miracles! From one Kentucky girl to another - GOOD LUCK!
   — Sue H.

July 11, 2002
I understand totally...I told one person at a time as I became more comfortable with the idea of actually having the surgery. I was in a chat room on AOL the other day and I saw someone refer to WLS as "The lazy mans diet". As far as I am concerned screw them! Nothing is going to be easy about my WLS and the complete life change I am making. Don't worry about what anyone're doing something GOOD for yourself, stay positive!
   — Janine C.

July 11, 2002
I was proud to tell everyone, and got support from people I didn't expect. You'd be suprized at how nice people are and the ones who aren't well to hell with them. They would find fault with anything you did. Good Luck
   — Robert L.

July 11, 2002
Annie, be proud of your decision. Let the world know you are one of the proud, one of the few, one that has taken your life back into control & because of this you are gonna be a healthier, happier person. I'm sure after the others learn what it's all about, they will be on the right side, your side. Annie, it's your new life, pack your guns & come out shooting, LOL.
   — Janet C.

July 11, 2002
I can't wait to respond to your question! I used to feel the same way 13 months ago. My town has two stoplights. Very small town. I used to tell folks low fat, low carb, lots of exercise...but, after I lost 169 pounds, people wondered if I had cancer or something awful. Now, I just say the same....and at the end...I add, "a year ago I had gastric bypass surgery to help me to get my weight off quicker. Now, I truly have to diet to maintain it, it can be regained."
   — Barbara B.

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