Taking a long trip to FL and to Disney World. Any suggestions food wise to take?

I am a little under 2 months post-op RNY. I am taking a trip down to FL & also going to Disney World. Any suggestions on what I should take food wise with me so I don't have to constantly eat out that is convient? I know the food at Disney in the park is so bad for me not to mention expensive. Any suggestions or tips to help along the way? Thanks!    — Allison T. (posted on June 3, 2002)

June 2, 2002
Hi Allison, You will have a blast at Disney. We went Mar/Apr (spring break) and it was so much fun. Eating was a big concern for me also. I don't know if you do protein drinks, but I took my powder pre-measured into small containers and drank those so I knew I was getting my protein which left me with more food choices. The Birnbaums Guide is the greatest. Not only does it tell you exactly what they have in each park (sites, attractions, food places), but where they are located also. I have used this guide every year to plan my itenerary, down to the location and time we eat. We get so much done that way. You can get one at Barnes & Noble or probably at your local book store. I highly recommend it. You can figure out what food you want on what day. At Magic Kingdom we ate at the Horshoe Musical Revue (it was more for the show, not the food), but they had meat and cheese sandwiches with chips, or a salad. Not great food, I got the sandwiches and picked mostly from the middle (bread was huge). We also ate at some place in Tomorrowland that had chicken nuggets. At MGM, we ate at the Pizza Planet. At Epcot we ate at a Mexican Rest. In Animal Kingdom, we at at a BBQ place and it was really good. My other big concern was water. I planned on refilling my water bottle at the fountains and I just couldnt' do it. The water was horrible. So with 5 folks, at $2.50 a bottle, 4 bottles a day, times 4 days, we spent at least $150.00 on JUST WATER!! So if there is a way (stroller) to take your own gallon, preferred frozen, I recommend doing that. I also took protein bars that just melted because I never got around to eating them. I could probably go on forever about Disney, so email me if you have any more questions, I will be happy to help you. Have a super time!!
   — Cheri M.

June 2, 2002
I agree with Cheri - bring your own water (frozen) if you can. I went about 3 weeks post-op (and YES, I was exhausted) but it was worth it. I brought 4 water bottles with me, filled them at the hotel's restaurant (water was MUCH better) and froze them overnight. That way, I had water for almost the entire day, and just bought one if I ran out. As for food, the first poster was lucky - I had a really hard time, and ended up eating a lot of protein bars, but I think that was, for the most part, because of how soon after my surgery that I went. Hope you have a wonderful time in Disney!!! Lisa
   — sssuzie1

June 3, 2002
I was at WDW last! I agree with freezing water bottles, but it is not always possible to have access to a freezer. Instead, I went out and bought Brita water bottles. They look like regular sport water bottles, but have a filter in the cap. I also had a backpack that had pockets on the side meant exactly for water bottles. It made the water bearable. Even though it wasn't cold, it was still water. By the way....I WANT TO GO TOO! lol
   — Maggie C.

June 3, 2002
not an expert on this but i am a home health nurse and have to pack my lunch since i am at a patients home all day. i would suggest taking beef jerky. loaded with protein, light to carry and no refrigeration necessary. i also keep a ziplock bag of crystal light powder with me to add to my water cause i dont even like to the taste of bottled water. another suggestion is soy nuts from trader joes. no refrigeration needed there either. have fun and wish i was going too. patsy in las vegas
   — PATSY N.

June 3, 2002
I just got back from Disneyworld and we had a blast! I rode everything! Food was NOT a problem because there are fresh bananas and fruit stands every where. I ate a lot of bananas because of the potassium. It is quite easy to get dehydrated there with the heat and water is $2.50 per bottle. I advise you to take your own water. Our room had a little fridge so we kept bananas and strawberries, gatorade, water and good stuff. Drink a lot of water and you'll be fine. Whenever we went out to eat, I would get soup and salad. When we went to Animal Kindgom, Africa, I had the best thing I have ever tasted! It was a veggie roll and it came with fresh grapes! It was a soft tortilla that was green rolled up with lettuce and other veggies! I would like to go back and get another....LOL! Have a great time! Don't get too sunburnt! Oh, and ride the Tower of Terror......fantastic! And go see Fantasim with Mickey Mouse at the amphitheater.....It was amazing.
   — Marilyn C.

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