Help! Has anyone GAINED weight prior to surgery?

   — A C. (posted on May 28, 2002)

May 28, 2002
I did the same thing went from 265 to 285 in about 2 months. I think I ate whatever I wanted knowing it would never be like this again. I am 2.5 months post-op now and wish I would have watched more of what I ate prior to surgery. But it will come off after the surgery. I lost the 20 pounds that I gained in almost 2 weeks.
   — Lisa B.

May 28, 2002
I think most of us gain before surgery. It's the "Last Supper" syndrome. Ihad a long appeal process and went from340 to 370 in about 15 months. I would like to say I'd have done it differently but I'm only human.-- Good Luck
   — Robert L.

May 28, 2002
Not to condone anything, but I think most of us who were not required to lose before surgery actually gained. I ate everything before surgery I wanted and am not sorry because after 10 months, I really haven't craved anything special and don't feel like I'm missing anything. Try to keep your portions as small as possible and walk if you can, and I don't think you will have anything to worry about. Good luck.
   — Angela B.

May 28, 2002
A.C. Most of us have done the same thing. Your normal. Sure your doc has seen it before. Its that feeling of deprivation, like we will never get to eat the desserts and fast food favorites again, so stuff it all in. I remember eating cheesecake, Burger King and other goodies before my surgery. I don't regret it, am just happy that I don't crave that stuff anymore. 4 months and 55 pounds lighter.
   — Cindy R.

May 28, 2002
Hi - Geeeez, I had my initial consult Feb 2001 - surgery May 29, 2001 & I had at least a Kazillion "Last Suppers" There were just toooooo many things I had to stuff into my mouth one last time...and in some instances several "last times!" I think I probably gained about 20 pounds during that time....Good luck!! Karan
   — chance2lv

May 28, 2002
I think most of us gain who are not required to lose weight. It is hard to think of losing food, our best friend. Or at least mine. =P I've actually been trying to lose weight just to make the whole surgery process easier. Since I got my date in November I have mangaged to gain 6.5 pounds. I guess that is not a bad gain in 6 months, but considering I was trying to lose weight it is pathetic! LOL Hang in there, we are having this surgery for a reason. Your surgeon would be a jerk if he told you you couldn't have it because of that.
   — Jennifer Y.

May 29, 2002
Hi AC, You need to ask the doctor's office. My doctor, and his staff, absolutely told me if I gained ANY weight prior to surgery, they would cancel. But they also explained why - which helped (a little). I was supposed to lose 10 - 20 pounds before surgery, I lost 6. According to my surgeon, one woman he operated on who gained weight immediately prior to surgery had an "inflamed" liver, so inflamed that he opened her up to do the surgery, but found he could not hold the liver back (don't know if that's the right word) to get to the area he needed to operate on. He even called in another doctor to help, but hours later, they had to close her back up and didn't perform the bypass!!! I thought maybe they made it up until I met the woman it happened to! Wow! So, ask your doctor's office, right away. They just might cancel. Good luck, Elena K.
   — [Deactivated Member]

May 31, 2002
I agree with the others that it can be perfectly normal - don't beat yourself up about it. In February of 2001 when I started my quest for WLS, I was at 336 and on surgery date April of 2002, I was at 356. The last few months prior to surgery - I ordered that desert that looked so tasty on the menu or I did the 'last supper' things as well - FOREVER - and you know what? I don't regret it one bit. I haven't eaten well in the past 7-days - some days all I've been able to keep down is my protein shake and maybe / MAYBE 3 or 4 bites of something soft & mushy. Nope - no regrets here. I have taken Xenical before and OH MY GOODNESS - I hated it - I'd rather eat a box of laxatives. :) Good luck to you though - I don't believe any doctor/surgeon would cancel the surgery due to the weight gain...mine barely even weighed me prior to surgery. I knew my weight because the nurse came in prior to me being wheeled in and I asked her to. No worries about that, if at all possible. :)
   — Lisa J.

May 31, 2002
Oh yes, I ate like a pig for 1 month solid pre-op. I gained 10 pounds and loved every minute of it. It's OK, and part of adjusting to leaving foods behind that are not allowed post-op. You'll definately lose it post-op!
   — DianeN

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