Fow a few weeks now I have noticed that I get light headed

sometimes when I get up. The odd part is that it usually happens on weekends more than during the week. Also I have been so tired lately. I feel fine during the day, but by the time I go to the gym fix dinner and sit to relax I am ready for bed at 8:00 pm. I am 14 month po and have lost 165. I am only 39 so I hate to chalk it up to old age, lol. I take all of my vitamins and my blood work as of Jan 2002 was great. Any ideas?    — Sue B. (posted on April 1, 2002)

April 1, 2002
I don't have an answer for you, but I'm interested in the responces. I also get light headed when I get up- so, you're not alone. Great Job on your loss so far. Good Luck.
   — Angela B.

April 1, 2002
I've heard that sometimes dehydration can cause this. I don't know what fluid intake is like, but it sure wouldn't hurt to try getting in a little more water. Good luck.
   — Leslie F.

April 1, 2002
Hi, I am actually pre-op, so I am not all together familiar with what you are experienceing, but your post caught my eye. The symptoms you describe are exactly how I felt when I had a bout wth iron poor anemia a couple of years ago. I know you said you just had your bloodwork done in Jan. When did this feeling start? It might be worth a call to the doc. Tracey
   — Tracey L.

April 1, 2002
Sue: we have so much in common! I am 13 months post-op and down 171 lbs. I am thrilled with my weight loss but occasionally get very lightheaded and tired. My doctor said this is probably due to three things: (1) low iron levels (anemia), (2) low blood pressure and (3) low blood sugar. All three things go along with rapid weight loss, and I've learned to deal with it by getting up slowly, trying to get plenty of rest, etc. My doctor says, in 12 months or so when the weight loss stabilizes, this problem will resolve itself. Regards,
   — Terissa R.

April 1, 2002
Thanks for all of your answeres and suggestions, I get all 64 oz of water plus everyday. But low iron, hmm. My nutitionistincreased my iron in Jan, maybe I need more. And I have noticed my bllod pressure is down to 123/61 which is a little low.Thanks!!
   — Sue B.

April 1, 2002
Hello All, I am almost a year post op LAP RNY. I have been getting dizzy every since about month 3. This happens everyday for me. The dizziness tends to turn into me fainting and waking up on the floor wondering what happened. Just 2 weekends ago, I got out of the bathtub and felt a little dizzy, so I grabbed onto the wall. I then began to have something that I would describe as a seizure or some sort of convulsions. This scared the crap out of me. I went to the doc. blood levels are all in tact. Doc wants to send me to a syncopy lab. I don't know if I should even go or not. I don't feel that they will find anything. Oh well. Good luck to everyone, and for us dizzy ones make sure your always near something that you can grab onto.
   — Kristina P.

April 7, 2002
like many have posted here, it is normal, my doctor said that the body chemistry is off balance for a while thus the light headedness, he said to just get up slow, sit on the edge of your bed for a minute before getting up,, it does pass.
   — bruce M.

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