What exactly is a swallow test?

My surgeon mentioned the swallow test having to be done before I leave the hospital next week. What exactly is this and how is it done? Is it painful or are you in so much other discomfort that it's the least thing on your mind? :)    — Lisa J. (posted on April 1, 2002)

April 1, 2002
LJ, The swallow test is actually a Barium Swallow test. You are given a liquid solution of Barium to drink along with a small cup of carbonated crystals or liquid (makes you gassy!). The Radiologist will have you drink the liquid while he watches you on a special Xray monitoring screen. This is usually done to make sure that you don't have any abnormalities in your throat, larynx and down to your stomach. They can usually tell if you have GERD (Acid Reflux) during this type of examination. It is a non-invasive test, is not uncomfortable, however the stuff tastes rather nasty! And some people tend to have a little bit of an upset stomach afterwards. And just be on notice...your bowel movements will appear WHITE (and I mean WHITE!!!) until the barium solution is out of your system. Hope this helps!!!! Good luck. You will do just fine.
   — KathieInHawaii

April 16, 2002
I was the original person who asked this question and wanted to leave my response now that I am post-op - the swallow test for me was NASTY. It consisted of a drink that the tech. called 'soapy water' and it tasted just like that. WHY they give a nasty 'soapy water' test when others are available, I have no clue. Thank God, I only had to do one - some people, they say, had to have two.
   — Lisa J.

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