Does Heparin totally get rid of the chance of forming blood clots?

I was just wondering. When they give you Heparin in the hospital does it totally get rid of the chance to have blood clots or just lessen the chance? If it just lessens the chance by how much. Sorry about all of the questions but I was just wondering. I am scared to death of blood clots!    — Allison T. (posted on March 11, 2002)

March 10, 2002
Allison, I think heparin goes a long way in the prevention of blood clots, but I imagine there is never a guarantee. I also had special leg wraps in the hospital which massaged my legs 24/7 the first few days postop and of course, the best thing you can do is walk as much as possible. I think with all of these preventive measures, your chance of developing a clot are vastly reduced. Good luck to you and ps. I love your name, I have an 8 year old daughter named Allison (she also goes by Allie).
   — Donna L.

March 10, 2002
Hi Allison: I am pre-op, 51 and having surgery April 2nd. I had my final visit with surgeon on Friday and he announced then he wanted to insert a Greenfield filter in a large vein that will block clots. My family history has stroke, heart disease, etc. I have a 53 BMI and I guess given that and my age he felt it was important. It will be inserted in the heart cath lab the day before surgery. It is a little metallic gizmo that looks like a small Christmas tree and its purpose is to block clots so they will not go to the heart and lungs. You'll still be given heparin or something like it but since this is a permanent insertion, I won't have to worry about embolisms. You might ask him about this. Andrea
   — AJC750

March 11, 2002
Hi, while in the hospital I asked the nurse while getting the shots if this was sure way to avoid blood clots, and she said no but, she said it's a strong intervention along with the walking right after surgery. There are no guarantees though.
   — Carey N.

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