Is there any data showing if hernias are more common with open RNY vs LAP RNY?

   — Lynn R. (posted on February 21, 2002)

February 21, 2002
I can only speak for myself, but I had an open RNY last year and was one of the 1/3 that ended up with a hernia. (Mine's huge!) I don't think many people who have the lap surgery get hernias. It's certainly not listed as a big risk. Overall, though, my surgery was done SO well I haven't had any complications at all besides my hernia. And that's such a small price to pay for 165 lbs. lost!
   — Terissa R.

February 21, 2002
I had lap and developed a hernia about a year later.
   — Tami G.

February 21, 2002
According to my surgeon 30% of opens develop hernias, near zero for lap....
   — bob-haller

February 21, 2002
I would have to agree with Barb. Yes, there is a greater risk of hernia with open surgery. However, a hernia is generally not life threatening. With a lap surgery, there is a definite greater risk of leaks, kinks, knicks, or other life threatening complicattions. I would rather risk the general annoyance of a hernia, than the potential deadly complications that are more common with laps. JMHO. Shelley
   — Shelley.

February 22, 2002
My surgeon said that there is a 30% chance of hernia with open and about 1% with lap. With lap, there is more chance of leak. I am personally having lap. The misconception is that surgeons can "see better" when they do open, but that is not necessarily true. If patients are at a low enough weight and their surgeon is experienced lap surgeon, it can have its benefits. It's a tough call to choose between the two. There is definately a much less chance of hernia with open lap however.
   — emilyfink

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