Could my Hormones be out of whack?

I'm 2 months post-op and still experiencing mood swings... I expected to have some moodiness in the early post op stage, but now I'm over 2 months out and still going through it. I am irritable alot with my husband and children, and often downright angry. I'm plugging along with my food, water and exercise and perfectly content and unobessed with my rate of weight loss. But for some reason, I find myself yelling often, impatient and emotional. I'm not abusive but I'm also not always a pleasure to live with. I was like this often pre-op and thought that I would be happier as a postie. My family isn't perfect, but I do know how fortunate and blessed I am. I have a sweetheart of a husband and really great kids...why do I get so upset? Could my hormones still be out of whack this far out of surgery? Sorry to vent, I just envisioned being calmer and more content. I don't want my family to suffer because of my moodiness. Please tell me this gets better. Thanks so much.    — [Anonymous] (posted on February 12, 2002)

February 11, 2002
Hormones! Thy name is weightloss! I, too, have been experiencing more dramatic moods than before. I'm attributing it to the storage of estrogen in the fat and subsequent release when we lose weight. (this was from peers and the libary). I recently increased my prozac 20mg to hopefully offset the mood, sadness, eating urges and anything else that seems to happen around PMS time. I seem to be much calmer this month. I figure this will continue until I lose most of my weight. I've lost over 50 pounds three months out from RNY. Talk to your PCP, he might have a solution for you!
   — Cindy P.

February 12, 2002
Yes, our hormones can go bonkers after surgery. I have had a hysterectomy and have been on hormone replacement therapy for a number of years. Since losing my weight, I've found that I cannot absorb the HRT orally or through the patch so I am now having to take shots which I give to myself monthly. Yes, we have hormones stored in our fat and losing weight rapidly changes things. See your obgyn for a blood test. There are a number of factors involved. Also, new information I've discovered is that stomach surgery can cause Low Blood Sugar (hypoglycemia) which also effects how you feel. It is important to eat frequent small meals and avoid sugar and refined foods. Best wishes
   — Cindy H.

February 12, 2002
Mine were exceptionally terrible at 5 mos. out- so you can find yourself going up and down for the next few months- I have many hormonal issues- so these spurts were especially difficult for me. I think as long as you know that you are "sensitive" you can treat it with laughter. :) My husband often cracks me up the most as I am sobbing uncontrollably over something trivial. He's gotten very good at it! Also, once I see that it is just irrational behavior, I find it is not so serious anymore... smiling through the tears! That's me!
   — Karen R.

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