what is the proper treatment and follow up for H Pylori?

My pre op Endoscopy revealed an H Pylori infection. I just began the 2 weeks course of antibiotics today, but my surgeon's office told me I must WAIT 30 DAYS after COMPLETEING the antibiotics, then have a "breath test"! WHY the 30 day wait, and why can't I simply repeat the Endoscopy right away after completing the medicine?    — Vanessa H. (posted on February 8, 2002)

February 8, 2002
Don't know why your doctor wants that, but I had the 2 week prev pack and had an EGD right after that and was pronounced "cured". I'd ask him why he is doing it that way?
   — Phiddy B.

February 8, 2002
The best person to ask this question of is you doctor. However as a nurse I will give you my educated guess. Most of the time the tx prescribed for you clears up h-pylori but not always. Sometimes it just knocks it down but not out and it will come back a short time after treatment has ended. Your doctor most likely is erring on the side of safety. It is much easier to treat pre-op than post-op. I know you are anxious for your surgery but h-pylori is the #1 cause of stomach ulcers and you want to be as healthy as possible for this surgery. You don't want an ulcer in your new tummy if you can help it. Good luck!
   — jsuggs

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