Why do we have to go off meds (anti-depressants) before surgery?

Also, this is really personal, but why do I need tongs? and if there is nobody to help me post op, will I be able to handle my personal bathroom habits myself? This is really confusing me.    — Dawn C. (posted on February 7, 2002)

February 7, 2002
I was told I could take Effexor straight through the day before surgery, and then I would be given it again 2 to 3 days later. I sure as hell don't want to be without my antidepressant during this process!!
   — [Anonymous]

February 7, 2002
I was told I could take Effexor straight through the day before surgery, and then I would be given it again 2 to 3 days later. I sure as hell don't want to be without my antidepressant during this process!!
   — [Anonymous]

February 7, 2002
Dawn, I just saw my doctor today. I am having surgery on the 28th of this month. I take 100 mg. of Zoloft and they told me to keep on taking it and bring it to the hospital with me just in case the nurse does not give it to me. Trust me, no one wants me to be without it!!
   — terrifogle40

February 7, 2002
I take Paxil, took it thru the day before surgery and resumed day of discharge, 3 days after the last dose. No problem. The tongs are a makeshift item to hold toilet paper for toilet hygiene needs. I have read about them alot on this site but personally was able to take care of my needs in the normal manner. I had lap rny, might be more difficult if surgery was open. Also, fyi-most anti-depressant have a long slow weaning process, if your surgery is soon that probably wouldn't be feasible and you definitely don't want to go cold turkey for more than a few days as it can be medically dangerous. I would double check w/your doc on that. Good luck.
   — jsuggs

February 7, 2002
I have been on Effexor for about 5 years now, and I took it right up to the morning of my surgery (at least 4 hours prior to actual surgery time), and while in the hospital they gave me my daily dose. I definitely wouldn't "stop" taking it altogether, I tried that last year (2001) when I was sick with flu for over 2 weeks, and WOW - the depression hit me worse than it ever has! I will never do that again! good luck - talk to your doctor and/or anesthesiologist - they will advise you what to do!
   — [Deactivated Member]

February 12, 2002
Well I saw my shrink a week ago <my surge is in two days> I am on effexor long release and she told me to open the capsule and add it to my ounce of water. my SURGEON on the other hand told me they would just give it to me in the hospital and break down the amounts over the day. I would not stop effexor if you paid me. for me the let down is fast...<three to four days from last dose> and severe. annette
   — annette S.

February 12, 2002
If your surgeon is telling you to stop the antidepressants, it means he is ignorant when it comes to depression. Ask him to get educated quick. The worst thing he could do is take someone off their meds.
   — faybay

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