I am 10 mos post op from open RNY. My BM's have always been real light in color

today, I had a BM and it was darker. This is not normal to what I have been experiencing for the last 10 mos. Does this mean that the malabsorption component in the surgery is no longer working? When does the malabsorption usually stop in this type of surgery? I am still stuck at 105 lbs after a 4 week plateau and it is very frustrating. Any suggestions on how to kick start my weight loss again? thank you.    — [Anonymous] (posted on January 13, 2002)

January 13, 2002
I spoke with one of my surgeons Friday and he asked me about plateaues. I'm stuck at my first one, open 11/20/00. He told me to water load before eating my meals and to exercise early in the day when the metabolism is high -- it keeps it going for the day. I told him I planned to do proteins and water only for a few weeks. He said the proteins work but the key is to water load and exercise early. We shall see what happens. Neci
   — Nynese W.

January 13, 2002
Can't help you with the plateau issues (I'm pre-op scheduled 1/25/02), but USUALLY stool color changes are related to diet. Usually they become darker when you have a greater intake of iron and iron rich foods.If they are a burgundy color, call your doctor immediately. This signals blood in the stool. If they are a "seaweed" color, usually iron. (Sorry for the color analogy, I know its gross). After being in healthcare for 18 years, I've grown used to looking! Look back at what you are eating. Keep a log if necessary. If you have to call your doctor, He will need to know the color. Good luck, Beth
   — Beth M.

January 13, 2002
One qualifier to the stool color response: think about what you had to eat the day before. Last time 'burgandy' colored stools scared me, I remembered I ate beets the day before! Good Luck, and if you want to know how to drive an old person (or any adult you are helping to potty) crazy, flush the toilet before they get a chance to take a peek at the situation....
   — merri B.

May 5, 2002
I know this question was posted a while ago, but I thought I'd add my 2 cents worth anyway. Take a look at how much Aspartame you're consuming. One serving of sugar-free jello/pudding stops my weight loss for a day or two. As it turns out, its the artificial sweetener, Aspartame. I've switched to Splenda and haven't had a plateau since.
   — Lisa T.

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