Have been off HRT pre-op and am falling apart-->

My surgeon took me off my estrogen pre-op ( needed it as a result of hysterectomy 10 years go), to reduce chance of blood clots post-op. I am nervous, crying, and short-tempered. I cant believe I will be like this longer as surgery is in two weeks -I dont even know when he will let me take them again. Anyone have any helpful hints?    — blank first name B. (posted on November 12, 2001)

November 12, 2001
Brenda, ask your dr. if you can take the over the counter herbal formula called "Remifemin". If he says no, try drinking lots of soy milk or eating foods high in soy. This is a natural remedy for menepausal symptoms after as hysterectomy.
   — DJeffrey

November 12, 2001
Hi Brenda, My doctor just took me off my premerin and provera today she even suggested that i may not want to restart them since it is more clear now that they can contribute to breast, an uterin cancer. Im 57 and my bone density scan came back normal. So don't think i will take them any more. Of course i don't know if those mood swings will start back again. If so i might reconsider if i want to stay married. Good luck and hope you feel better. Oh yes she recommend the soy products.
   — Nancy S.

February 23, 2003
Talk to your dr. about putting you on the patch. I'm on a 'combi patch' since I don't digest pills as well any more. The patch is easy and works great! Good luck to you.
   — Kathleen H.

February 23, 2003
Talk to your dr. about putting you on the patch. I'm on a 'combi patch' since I don't digest pills as well any more. The patch is easy and works great! Good luck to you.
   — Kathleen H.

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