Less than 4 weeks and very nervous

I guess this is normal, right? I have 26 days until my surgery and for the first time I am starting to question myself. I find myself fluctuating between "this is going to be amazing" and "maybe being fat isn't so bad". I think I am going crazy! Also...I am stressing myself out more than I should be, I think, because each day I struggle with eating. I sometimes feel like I might as well get it while I can and at other times think I am bad and should stick to eating like I'll have to post-op. You know...for practice. I want to be prepared. Help!!!    — PaulaM (posted on October 31, 2001)

October 31, 2001
Paula, Sorry I don't have an answer to your question cause I am having the same feelings. I am 30 days from surgery and getting a little nervous too. But I know this is the best place to come for support and encouragement. Good luck with you surgery! Take Care...
   — toni D.

October 31, 2001
I just wanted to let you know that I didn't modify my eating behavior pre-op--I gained 11 lbs!!! Also, I was scared and second guessing my decision to have WLS. But, you know what...I've amazed myself. For a while I regretted it...I mean we're talking weeks. I had some trivial problems that really took their toll on me. I must have been depressed because I would cry cause I could barely drink...couldn't eat...missed food etc. Then the final straw was a stricture. I was always vomiting for over a week. I said to myself "i hope this is something fixable" and it was. Can you believe I was happy to have a stricture!!! I can barely believe I've lost 50 lbs and after all my misery I'm glad I did this. I shock myself everyday when I actually feel full and stop!!!! I shock myself when I choose good, healthy, wonderful foods when I used to eat crap. Not that I'm afraid of dumping, but I have this feeling that I'm not going to fail, so why sabotage myself. It's a feeling of pride. I'm succeding and it's practically effortless. If you keep moving, make smart choices, understand that there may be hard times but they will get better and keep a positive attitude, you will shock yourself also. Keep faith in yourself
   — Kristin R.

October 31, 2001
My mother had a Snoopy night gown that said "Here I am again, still looking for the answers...." and you know, I feel that way EVERY DAY..I battled my insurance for 9 months to get approval, I have it, adn came withing 3 days of having surgery (my surgery was delayed, new date hanging in the balance) but I know I want the surgery, without a doubt in my mind.... and then there's that darn... whatif bug.. and it got worse and worse as I approached my surgery date the first time.. So you're not alone, by no stretch of the word... If you ever need confirmation of that, just visit our chat room =) But I tell you what, especially in the last two weeks, I've read this board more than ever looking for anything I might be missing "still looking for the answer" and it's nice to know .. I'm not alone either.. Good luck on your journey..
   — Elizabeth D.

October 31, 2001
Paula, I am 12 days from surgery and have experienced everything you mentioned, fear, anxiety, self-doubt and an olympic appetite. Here's what I think. I'm under a great deal of stress and have historically turned to food so I'm not going to beat myself up about that. Relative to self- doubt, I just remind myself that I'm opting to have this surgery. I don't have to. However, if I choose not to, then I have to be prepared to live with myself the way I am. It's at that point that my self-doubt evaporates. Stress and fear are normal responses to an event like surgery. You'd be an idiot if you approached it without experiencing those emotions. Evaluate your situation, decide what you want to do, deal with the flood of emotions as they present themselves and the day of your surgery you'll be fine. Good luck.
   — Aloha D.

October 31, 2001
hi i went through the same thing i would get the runs just thinking about the surgery. put yourself in GODS HANDS everything is going to be fine. read the wls befores and afters that helped me alot. now i am 9 days post op lost 18 lbs in 8 days and glad i did it. GOOD LUCK AND MY PRAYERS WILL BE WITH YOU.
   — aida M.

October 31, 2001
Your perfectly normal, and my pre op questioning my decision was unreal, and scary. Being a post op for a few months and looking back, surgery was easier than any serious diet attempt. Read my profile, it covers much of what your going thru. I have lost 85 pounds and although I have had some minor problems, mostly a achey back, surgery was easy. Dieting I felt deprived and horrid. Post op is the place to be...
   — bob-haller

October 31, 2001
Ohhh you are soooo normal!!!! I have my surg. Dec 6th, and i still shake in my boots from time to time. I've always been the type of person when i get nervous i get diarrhea and "ralf" a lot. So far so good with that part but I FEEL IT COMING!!! Thanks to people on this site i found out it was Normal to be scared. I know i'm going thu with it, i'm just not used to VOLUNTEERING FOR PAIN!!!! SO GET IN LINE!!!!! We'll hold hands together!!!! jacki ps..if you read my prof. when i first found out i ran out on the pourch like a scalded chicken!!!!
   — Jackiis

October 31, 2001
I'm with you - I'm 11 days away from surgery. I can't say I'm nervous about the procedure itself, and I absolutely KNOW that I don't want to continue being fat. But I have loads of anxiety about whether I'm going to succeed in taking (and keeping!) off the weight. I'm scared to death that I'm going to be one of the ones who loses the weight only to gain it back, as I've done so many times before. All I can say by way of encouragement is that we'd all be crazy NOT to be anxious about surgery as major as this one, so that's very normal. As far as being "bad" about eating, I plan to eat whatever I want as much as I want till midnight the night before. Why stress about it now? Enjoy, and know that life is about to change for the better.
   — Danette H.

October 31, 2001
I am 4 months post-op and down 72 lbs. Before surgery I did have a few fleeting thoughts that life wasn't so bad at this size. It is major surgery and to be anxious is normal. But I looked forward to my surgery day as a new beginning. I didn't alter what I ate before surgery. I just enjoyed it. It didn't matter to me if I "practiced" post-op eating as I knew I wouldn't have a choice afterwards. My whole outlook on food was different, especially in the beginning. It is a life changing decision. You must change your eating habits to be successful. It is a small price to pay for the great rewards. Good luck!
   — wilkywanch

October 31, 2001
Hi!! I just wanted you to know that I am exactly THREE weeks today away from my date, and I am a NERVOUS wreck! I feel like an eating machine on wheels, going straight down hill with no brakes!! I want to eat EVERYTHING!! And I feel guilty, bloated, etc, and stop myself. So, you are SO like me. I, too, feel that I am in need of modification to get "prepared", but I don't want to lose the chance to eat the things I want to now! But rest assured, everyone on here that is post op will tell you that they went through the same emotions, and now they have NO regrets. I want to be like them. I'll be praying for you. MC
   — Melinda C.

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