I am 12 days post op. I had open RNY. My incision runs from below my bra line until

two inches above my belly. I've noticed that the entire area is swelled and hard. Although I've already lost 16 pounds, my stomach almost seems larger because of the swelling. The thing that specifically concerns me is the area right below my bra line. It is swelled almost to the size of a small fist. I hope it's not going to stay like this forever. It started at the hospital and I showed the nurse. She said it was normal. However, it doesn't seem normal to me and seems to be getting larger. Has anyone else experienced a similar effect after the surgery? My incision appears to be healing fantastic. However, I wonder if I don't have some type of huge swelling or sac of fluid underneath the incision. Any ideas? I hate to call my doctor because it's Friday. I've kind of let it go all week and I don't want to call him now. I thought I would wait until Monday. But, I was curious if anyone else has experienced something similar. Thanks for your help.    — [Anonymous] (posted on October 26, 2001)

October 26, 2001
I was 9 days post-op and I had noticed an area at the bottom of my incision that was slightly more swollen. It actually started draining--ALOT and the smell was rancid. I had an incision infection--some staples were removed and I have it packed every day. My nurses said it was normal, but if it starts to drain foul smelling drainage or if something doesn't seem right, call your DR. That's why dr's have answering service and beepers. Good Luck and just monitor incision and perhaps take your temperature frequently and document the temps. LUCK!
   — Kristin R.

October 29, 2001
I have the same incision and am also 12 days post-op. I'm finding that I have a few "sensitive" spots and have one area that is slightly swelled and firm. I was also told this was quite normal and would go away in a week or less.
   — kennis1

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