Ate too much last night and really hurting this morning.

Last night I had 3 meatballs and half a piece of garlic bread. I knew I ate too much and felt fine later that night. This morning I woke up with really bad stomach pain that kind of feels like severe heartburn. Could I have damaged something?    — Amy E. (posted on October 9, 2001)

October 9, 2001
I dont think you damaged anything, but Im not a doctor. Just a tip....You really should stop eating at the first sign of feeling full, because the rest of the food needs to make its way into your pouch. I am surprised you didnt vomit...I know a couple of times I ate too fast or just that 1 bite too much and lost my cookies. The food you chose to eat my have been high fat and not agreeing with your new stomach. If it does not go away I would call the doctor...Also how far long are you out of surgery? Feel better Melissa
   — Melissa S.

October 9, 2001
By the way, I'm 7 weeks post op from a Lap VBG. I have yet to throw up, even when I eat too much, just very uncomfortable. I ate dinner around 6 pm last night and didn't have pain until 12 hours later!?
   — Amy E.

October 9, 2001
I doubt that you damaged didn't really eat all that much. If the pain persists, call your doc. But, the pain is probably some acid refluc (...heart burn) as a result of overeating. Your surgery is working! I bet you won't overeat again...not in the forseeable future anyway.
   — [Anonymous]

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