I'm afraid the surgery will just not work for me!

I'm 22 years old. I'm 5'5 and weigh 336 lbs. Some days I can go all day without eating and not feel hungry but at night when I get home I eat a large supper. I tend to just eat until I feel sick. I'm having a real hard time believing the Gastric Bypass will work for me because I do not eat huge amounts all day long. Was anyone else like this before surgery?    — [Anonymous] (posted on October 4, 2001)

October 4, 2001
I have talked to several drs. and diatitions. They all concur that no matter what "fancy" diet you go on..unless you burn off more calories than you gain or maintain. I am a light eater. But i eat the wrong things late a night. Each of us differ. You must decide what you want for your life. I am 58 wish they had had this for me like it is today. Scared? Sure...Ready? ...yes. But you have to decide...its YOUR what will you do with it? jacki
   — Jackiis

October 4, 2001
Even if you only eat really big once in a while, you are undoubtedly eating far more than you would be able to post op. I find that I get hungry just as often as I used to, the difference is that when I eat, I get really full on a very small amount. You will have to change your habits with surgery though. Not eating all day is tough on the body and can inhibit weight loss. I don't think this is a reason that the surgery wouldn't work though. There are many ways that the surgery is a tool and so it is effective for many different causes of obesity.
   — kcanges

October 4, 2001
I was 47 when I had my wls and it was the best decision of my life. My only regret is that I couldn't have had it when I was in my 20's or even in my 30's. You're young and you are so lucky to have this opportunity now. Deciding to have wls is a big decision, there are risks and it takes lifelong commitment. Maybe its for you....maybe not. But, first you have to stop deluding yourself. When you eat doesn't matter. The fact is you're eating more calories than your body needs and morbid obesity is the result. That idea that all obese people gorge on huge amounts of food all day is myth. A great many have eating patterns like yours. Not eating all day is the reason why you overeat in the evenings. I Yes, wls can help you......if that's what you want.
   — [Anonymous]

October 4, 2001
I'm a former starve all day, eat a late dinner eater myself. I didn't think I was consuming that many calories either until I sat down one night and wrote down everything I ate and realized how many calories that one meal actually contained. Eating once a day slows down your metabolism, and between that and not exercising, I packed on about 50 lbs before I decided that surgery was a necessity for me. I just turned 30, and wish I'd had surgery at an even younger age. Even if you decide against surgery, try eating three smaller meals a day as opposed to the one large one just to keep your metabolism up. Deciding to have surgery is a very serious decision, and I think it should be seen as a last case scenario, when you've tried everything else and failed. Feel free to email me if you ever want to talk!
   — blank first name B.

October 4, 2001
You say SOME days you can go w/out eating all day not EVERY day, that's a clue. When I have my surgery my dr. says I will only be able to eat what fits inside a medicine 1-2 oz. WOW!!! I can't beleive that. But how could you not loose only eating that small amount of food? You can do this, and attitude iss just as important. You already seem to have a negative attitude, "not sure it will work for you." How about changing your attitude, to I know this will work, but I too, must work at it, we've said it over and over it just a "tool" Good Luck
   — [Anonymous]

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