Should I go on a liquid diet prior to surgery?

Although not required by my surgeon, I am thinking about going on a liquid program before surgery... perhaps opti-fast or something... I would like to be as healthy as I possible can before I get in there... so my question is... have you done it... is it hard given the stressful time? and second of all where do I get it? Is it a prescription, can my PCP get it for me or do I need to go to a nutritionist? Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!    — Deborah W. (posted on September 19, 2001)

September 19, 2001
My surgeon required Medifast for three weeks prior to surgery. I had to go back after a week and a half to have my blood pressure checked. I know you can order Medifast from their web site because my husband has done it.
   — Helen C.

September 19, 2001
My doctor didn't require a special diet before surgery, so I celebrated food-fest 2000. If your doctor didn't specify it, I wouldn't torture myself if I were you. You'll be restricted enough after surgery. Mine went fine and I'm down 90 lbs.
   — [Anonymous]

September 19, 2001
I wouldn't do it. I would, however, try out some protein drinks to find one or two that you like before you HAVE to be drinking them. Some of them are downright yucky!
   — ctyst

September 19, 2001
Heck no! You don't need the pressure and losing a few pounds isn't going to make you healthier for the surgery. Just try to relax. Eat a healthy, well-balanced diet. Now's the time to go out to your favorite restaurants and enjoy the things you really love to eat. Because after the surgery, everything changes. You'll never be able to sit down and "pig out" again. That's one of the things I miss. I'm three years post-op and I eat just about anything I want. I just avoid the things that make me dump or that I can't digest easily. This might sound weird. But sometimes I just want to eat a "whole lot" of something good and physically Ijust can't do that anymore. So whatever your favorite foods are (pizza, chinese, cheese steak sandwhiches, strawberry shortcake....) get your last real taste of these things now.
   — [Anonymous]

September 19, 2001
I say HECK NO as well, no matter how much you eat you will never miss it more than right after surgery. A full course meal is out of the question for a very long time if not forever. Enjoy the food while you can. What I wouldn't give to enjoy an appetiser, salad, steak, potato and dessert.........yum. Now it is just a taste of each, not the same. Enjoy those last meals with me in mind. Take care and best of luck for your journey.
   — Angela S.

September 19, 2001
To those that say that weight loss before surgery has no benefit, well my surgeon told me otherwise. He told me that the more you weigh, the larger the size of the liver. I had gained weight in between my consultation and my pre-op appt, and he had me go on a diet that last week to try to lose a few of those pounds just to try to get my liver to a less bloated state. I used Scan Diet (you can get it at GNC); it's actually pretty tasty and you can have one decent meal and fruit for snacks along with the shakes per day.
   — BlueGray

September 19, 2001
Speaking for myself, I think that going on a liquid diet in advance is placing too much stress on the psyche before going into a challenging situation! I have been "practicing" my eating - taking smaller portions, eating the protein first, cutting food into tiny pieces, chewing very thoroughly, and drinking lots of water. But I have been eating everything I can "normally" eat - steak, chicken, ribs, salad, bread, etc., etc. Take it easy on yourself, things will be tough enough afterwards! Margie B
   — Marjorie B.

September 20, 2001
My opinion is that you shouldn't do it. I understand your wanting to be as healthy as possible before surgery, but I think you'll regret it later. Those first 4-6 weeks when you are on liquids are tough and I think you'll be kicking yourself for giving up the chance at real food when you had it. I spent the last few weeks before surgery having all the foods I thought I would never be able to have again. As it turns out I'm still able to eat some of them, but now I have one small chocolate chip cookie instead of half a bag!
   — georgiacarol

April 29, 2005
When I first went to my surgeon he told me if I gained even 5 pounds he would put a halt to my surgery. I gained 13 pounds because of taking medication for H-pilori. This medicine made me feel as though I was starving to death and if I didn't eat I would vomit. My surgeon said I have to loose at least 8 pounds of that 13 or it's off. But he told me not to worry too much because starting next week I will be placed on a liquid diet for two weeks. He said that this will shrink my liver so it will make it easier for him to see for my surgery. He said it's not about eating all the food you can before your surgery it's about learning that food isn't the answer to stress and living. We now eat to live...not live to eat.
   — Sheryl Johnson

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