anewbecboo 17 years, 8 months ago

Rhonda, After I posted my reply back to you I checked out your profile. Kind of backwards probably, but anyway. Your site is beautiful too, I really love the hearts!! I am a newbie to this site too and am kind of in the same boat as you, having to wait 6 months. I don't know if you read my profile that explains why. So my surgery won't be until March or April of 2007. I too am dieting because they recommend you lose 10% of your weight before WLS. So I have cut way back on my portions, cut out all the junk (especially sugar because I am diabetic and was being really bad about it :( and just making better choices. And making my family do it to so the junk isn't here to tempt me. I still have a few lower suger things for them, but not a lot. I have lost 11 lbs so far and I do feel way better, especially without the sugar and having normal blood sugars again! I would love to be your buddy going through this if you want one. Email me off of my profile if you do. I wish you the best of luck and I will keep watching your progress no matter what. God bless you with your journey, I will be praying for you! P.S. Sucks about the BF!!!! Men!!!!! Take care, Becky

~Tooter - the Droopy Witch 17 years, 8 months ago

Welcome to ObesityHelp! Hope you find support, friendship and comfort within these 'walls'. I'd like to invite you to visit my profile for free recipes and other eating tips and tricks that might help you in your journey. Hugs, Toots
About Me
Vienna, WV
Sep 24, 2006
Member Since

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