pretty good day I think

Oct 09, 2009

I guess I had a pretty good day. Didn't get out for a walk, but did hang up plastic on my little home, and even had to climb the latter to cover up the vent that likes to leak on me. Bf helped so it was an ok chore. A little arguing here and there with him and him with I. But thats life with a man.
I did have one of those large candy bars, and its funny cus everysince I decided to make the step to get soda pop out of my life I am now having more sugar issues then when I was drinking the soda pop. So I aint doing that again tomorrow. Plus I enjoyed way to many sugar free pop cycles. Can say that the sugar free is much better then getting all the real sugar from the candy bars. Soon I will stop all candy/ candy bars,/ and junk foods, first things first. Am down to 1 soda a day, but I am just going to fight hard tomorrow to have no soda. Then once I have done that for a good week or two and have a good hold of it, then it is time to start the battle of removing junk from my life and eating lifestyle. One step at a time better then none that is. I know I can do this, I know I can find my way back down. Just wondering what you all think would be the best, Atkins (lost 100 pounds on that before WLS ) South Beach, Weight watcher, Biggest Looser, the 5 day pouch test * buying book to follow? Or what else ideas does everyone have out there who may come across this to read it.


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Jun 03, 2006
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just before my tummy tuck. Not getting to do much moving afterwards I regained 50lbs, so bumbed.

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