Meet Our Speakers: Beauty Is Her Game!

Sep 18, 2012

Beauty Is Her Game!
Come meet Celebrity Licensed Medical Aesthetician & Makeup Artist
Colleen Valentine LE, MA
Friday, October 5th In Atlanta
Reserve your tickets today!  Click here.

Bringing Expert Advice On Caring For Your Skin!

For celebrity Medical Aesthetician and makeup artist Colleen Valentine, helping other people look their best is more than a livelihood, it is a craft she perfected through her own personal struggles. “At age 30 I broke out with an adult case of acne so I started looking for better ways to get my skin cleared. I wanted a natural and holistic way of seeing myself,” explains Valentine.

After becoming a licensed esthetician and certified skin specialist in 2003, the former corporate banker began sharing her knowledge of treating problem skin and maintaining beautiful skin with the world. As the owner of Makeup By Valentine, Colleen has explored the creative side of makeup artistry with an impressive clientele which includes the R&B sensation Ne-Yo and former U.S. President Jimmy Carter and countless others.gv

“Makeup has allowed me an outlet artistically. I actually take a lot of time and a lot of care in my approach [to] how the person’s skin is. The
 best way to handle healthy skin is not to always cover it up with make up. My approach is let’s get this skin healthy, let’s talk about what you’re taking in and what we [can] do differently to get healthy skin versus covering it up,” adds Valentine.  

In high demand for various movie and television projects, Valentine insists that her services are not exclusively limited to special happenings. “I’m always there for them, not just for their occasion, but all [of] the time, whether they have any kind of skin care concerns [or not].” 

Reserve your tickets today!  Click here.

