Meet Our Speakers: The Fabulous Charlie Brown!

Sep 13, 2012

October 5th and 6th 2012

Come To ATlanta And Meet The Fabulous Charlie Brown!

Don't miss Charlie's breakout session, No Shame in Revisions, on Saturday afternoon in Grand Salon A! 

Charlie Brown is a successful weight-loss surgery patient, having lost 170 pounds since January 2007.  Her “Fabulous” experience includes: 5 years as a modeling agent, 6 years as the editor for a local parent magazine, 14 years as a motivational speaker and 12 years as the CEO of the Fabulous Foundation. Charlie is a remarkable renaissance woman who is hailed as one of the great weight-management experts.


Click here to reserve your tickets today!



Fast Fact

-As a lecturer, educator, author, and relationship activist, the elegance of Charlie Brown’s style creates a unique and distinctive Q & A portion of her seminars. She gives her audience the experience and power to capture the “Make It Click” missing from their weight loss and management program.


