7 week update.

Apr 04, 2019

It's been 7 weeks since my VSG surgery. I weighed in on wednsday(4/3). Down another 4lbs for the week. Amazing...I just almost can't beleive it. I always think my home scale can not possibly be right..But then another week passes and there I am another 3-4lbs down. 34lbs since surgery. But I had some legit confirmation yesterday as it was my 2 month follow-up for my sleep doctor. They weighed me to take my vitals and I was actually the same weight as I was at home. *SHOCK* At home I weigh myself in my underwear only right when I wake up. But when I get weighed in at a doctor I am always clothed and don't even take off my shoes. So that means I am most likely a little less weight than my home scale said..WOW.

To make my day even better..When the doctor called me into his office and was going over my paperwork...He says to me.."So I see you have lost some weight since i last saw you..It says you are 314?" He said in a puzzled look..."is that real??" And i had to remind him that i had the surgery 7 weeks ago..he goes "WOW! That's amazing" OMG the feeling i felt...


About Me
Surgery Date
Jan 11, 2019
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Night Before surgery

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