pam H. 15 years, 6 months ago

Hi Jennis! I hope your rough patch is over! Keep sipping your fluids (slowly), and keep on top of your pain before it gets bad. I found that every day , things got better-less nausea, less pain, and more energy. Welcome to the loser's bench!

Liz A. 15 years, 6 months ago

HI I hope you continue onward and upward toward your new life without any complications. All the best Alice

marylaw 15 years, 6 months ago

Hi, Jennis. Sorry to hear you've had a bit of a hard time, but it sounds like you're doing better. It will continue to get better and better. My prayers are with you. Blessings, Mary

Ms_DeB 15 years, 6 months ago

Hey there sweety hope ya' get to feeling better =) Hope to see you posting realling soon! Good luck to you and GOD bless (((HUGZ)))

Carmelita 15 years, 6 months ago


Eileen O. 15 years, 6 months ago

Glad you are home and on your way....thanks for the info. I go in Nov. 24.

darbydoola 15 years, 6 months ago

Hi Jennis, Thanks so much for sharing your experience with all of us. I'm scheduled for surgery on Dec. 10th, and I appreciate your insights. I'm praying for your recovery - that it will be uneventful, and that you''ll heal perfectly as you begin this new path in life. Darby

MacMadame 15 years, 6 months ago

I'm sorry you had troubles with your recovery. It's the pits to not be doing things on schedule. Take is easy and make sure you get in all your water so you don't end up back in the ER like I did!!

maxs_mom 15 years, 6 months ago

This is from an email that jennis sent to me this morning: I had a difficult post-op time. The surgery went fine with no complications, but my system was not happy afterwards. I had a hard time keeping anything down for a couple of days including pain medication. So, I was pretty much out of it for awhile. I am doing much better now. I thought I would go over a couple of things with you that I was not prepared for, so that if you do not already know about this stuff maybe it will help you. Plan to wait a long time on the day of your surgery. You may be fortunate and get picked as the first or second surgery, but if not then you will have a very long wait. I was third and didn't get called back for prep until 10:30 in the morning, which was fine because I prepared for that kind of wait, but what I wasn't prepared for was the long wait after the prepping was done. The prepping took about 45 minutes and then I waited until 3:30 to go into surgery. That was a bit difficult. Everyone was so nice and had wonderful bedside manner, so it made it a little easier. Although, my husband had a hard time with the long wait. There was one patient after me, who didn't get into recovery until around 9:00 at night. I was in there around 7:45 pm. Here's the biggest problem. Getting to recovery so late in the day/evening puts you behind on the nurse’s schedule of getting you to drink a bunch of water/fluids. They want you to get down a certain amount before a certain time the next morning so that you can go for the tests to check for leaking. I had a really hard time with this because I was being pushed to drink so rapidly and I was battling the nausea (they gave me anti-nausea meds, which make you want to sleep) and trying to stay awake. Part of the nausea was from drinking too much too quickly. So, my advice on this is take your time. They will have to push the tests back to later the next day. Don't allow them to force you to drink if you just can't drink. My final advice is in regards to being released. It is really difficult to know how you are really feeling when you have been provided anti-nausea meds through the IV. I was on oral pain meds, which was fine because of the anti-nausea meds through the IV, so when they released me I didn't think anything of it because I felt okay. However, once I got home I was not okay. As I said before, I couldn't keep anything down and by the time I got on board with the suppositories for nausea it was too late. Just don't feel like you have to go home on their time frame. It's a hospital, so of course they want to free up the beds as quickly as possible, but your health is way more important. So, take your time. This was mentioned in the workbook they gave us at the Nutrition Class too. It helps to have your significant other or whoever will be taking you home understand this and have them pay attention to your condition. Ifthey suspect that you are not well enough to go home, have them tell you and the staff. Dr. Srikanth is wonderful and he will visit you the day after your surgery as well. So, if you are not doing okay, make sure you tell him. The hospital staff was great, very nice to be around and very caring. The negative part of my experience was my fault for not listening to my instincts.

maxs_mom 15 years, 6 months ago

I stopped by the hospital around 3:30 PM and Jennis was still in surgery; apparently Dr. Srikanth was running behind. I could not locate her husband or anyone else in the waiting area so I left a note as well as a goody bag for her with the nurse. I asked her to call me as soon as she feels well enough to do so, or to have someone else call to give me an update. Amy
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Surgery Date
Oct 23, 2008
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