Stacye J. 19 years, 9 months ago

Morning All, I am writing to say that Kellie is looking great, she has lost a shoe size, a ring size and gained all of her personality back. Kellie is definitly shinning through this surgery like I knew she would dispite the rough spots she had to endure. Kellie you are doing great, you look great and I love you always. Stay strong I am here for you always and forever. LYLAS

katreicew 19 years, 10 months ago

Hi Kellie, I am glad that you are doing better. I was sharing the room with you before they moved us. Sorry that you had a hard time at first. Good luck with everything. And way to go on the weight loss so far. Katreice Frye-Day

Stacye J. 19 years, 10 months ago

Hi All, It has been two weeks and two days since Kellie has had her surgery and she has gone thought to extensive surgery's. After all she has gone through she is doing much better and is slowly getting back to being herself. I have considered the by pass myself on numerous occasions but I am not unhealthy enough to have the surgery or to be approved by my insurance company. At any rate I have questioned whether Kellie has done the right thing by having her surgery or not. In my eyesight she has, right now she is going through the pain of the two surgery's not being able to eat and drink and the scar she now has s a result of it all. I am thinking that all this will pass being that she has yet to begin the healing process. She is not at home yet which is a problem because she has been in the hospital for so long that she is upset and frustrated. Being at home I think will help her get over these blues that she is feeling right now. From her best friend I think this was a very decision and she should not regret any part of it, everything happens for a reason and I am sure that the suffering she has endured was there to make her a stronger person. Kellie didn't know that on an almost daily basis I wrote about her surgery and her feelings. Hopefully she will be able to update you all upon her return. Well Kellie is supposed to come home this week so her posting may be sometime in the near future. You all take care and remember to keep Kellie in your prayers. Kellie you have made the right choice to continue to live to see your godchildren, niece and nephews grow up. Do not regret what you have done, in time you will be overwhelmed with happiness

summewe 19 years, 10 months ago

Kellie - Thinking of you and wishing you a speedy recovery. Please keep us updated on your progress. In loving memory of Paula -- Momma Angel.

Stacye J. 19 years, 10 months ago

Good Morning all, Tomorrow qill be two weeks since Kellie went in for her surgery. Over the weekend she had to go under the knife once again to have her small intenstines untwisted. She is still in the hospital but she says she feels 100% better than last week. Kellie is doing great, on the 20th before the surgery Kellie weighed in at 336,on the 29th she was down to 297. Of course that had a lot to do with the complications that were occuring but now that she is doing better hopefully she will be able to start eating and drinking. Again I ask that she be kept in your prayers, this past Sunday my mom put her on our church's prayer list. Thank you for your support. Love you Kel Keep up the good work.

Stacye J. 19 years, 10 months ago

Morning all, Yesterday I went to see Kellie and she is doing a lot better however they placed a tube in her nose to drain the fluid off of her stomach. We still are not sure when she will be coming home but she is in good spirits and of course a strong individual so I am sure it wont be long. Kellie has lost 39 pounds so far since the surgery and on her way to a new life. Thanks again for all the prayers, I will do my best to keep everyone posted until Kellie is able to post her comments.

Stacye J. 19 years, 10 months ago

Hi All, As of today Kellie is doing much better I would like to thank all of you for praying for your quick recovery. She is still in the hospital and we are not sure when she will be able to go home however she is much better than the last couple of days.

Stacye J. 19 years, 10 months ago

07-26-04 Good Morning All, I am updating you all on Kellie's recovery. She is currently still in the hospital, doing much better than last week. Thank Jesus. There was a commplication here or there but she is a strong individual and has made it through like I knew she would. I am not sure when Kellie will be coming home but I would like for everyone to keep her in your prayers. Thank you and God Bless

Stacye J. 19 years, 10 months ago

07-22-04 Hi all, For those of you who do not know I am Kellie's best friend. Her surgery went well yesterday as planned and she is doing fine. She is a little sore as to be expected but her spirits are good, of course. :0) To take you back a couple of weeks, Kellie was really stressed out with the approval of the surgery. Shr had so many obstacles to over come in such a short perios of time it was unbelievable. I always told her to keep her head up and assured her that she would be having the surgery and not to worry. To me everything happens for a reson and there was a reason why things played out as they did. On July 14 when she went to her last appt before the surgery she was so distressed with all the things that had yet to be done with only 6 days left. I deal with stress on a daily basis not saying that is a good thing but hey it is what happens. I contacted her PCP and explained the sitatuation and requested an appt for that evening, after speaking to the sleep study office confirming she would have her sleep study the following day. Kellie was still skepitcal not thinking it would all go through. She started her weekend with doubt but I knew that it would all work out, the Lord does not bring you but so far to leave you. On Saturday Kellie had her last supper with a few of her other friends, (I had to work) at her favorite sea food place. She was really excited and glad she could enjoy her favorite foods one more time. On Sunday Kellie still was not 100% sure the surgery would take place but again I explained that she would be going through it and there would be no turning back then. Monday morning 07-20-04 Kellie called me at 6am, she was up and ready to go. I felt a little nervousness in her voice only because she has never had to have a major surgery or been to the hospital for anything for that matter. She told me she was ready and that she would see me there at the hospital. I told her I loved her and we hung up. Well considering I had car trouble I made it to the hospital to make sure everything went as planned. I got to the hospital and asked for Kellie Blair's room. I was told to go to the 4th floor ICU, Man ICU, I do not like those 3 letters because I always think the worst. Up to this point I had been the strong one but I knew I had to go up because to not show up at all would not have been right. I waited for the elvator heart pounded as if I was riding to the morge to see my best friend who just one of the biggest decisions of life. I get to the ICU unit and ask for her room and get to the door. Tears starting to flow, because I knew she had accomplished the hardest thing of her life. An ultimate life change one she could not go back on. I didnt want to distrube her so I laid my balloon from her godchildren on the table with the card I had brung and gave her a kiss on the cheek. She woke up to ask me of all things if I was ok. Here she is laying in a hospital room in ICU and she asks me if I am ok? That is how our friendship is though, we do it all the time. Worry about one another instead of ourselves first. I told her I was fine, I was really proud of Kellie but she looked tired and I wanted her to get her much deserved rest. Kellie is a trooper just as all of you are for having this surgery. I would like to commend all of you who had the nerve, will power, and strnegth to save your lives. It is a blessing to know that there is something out there to help those of us who are obese that need help because just doing it alone wasnt enough. Kellie will be posting something shortly I am sure because she wants to share her experience with all of you. I just want to tell everyone who reads this that you are a blessed individual, there is nothing you can not accomplish. May God Bless you and your families as he continues to bless mine. Stacye

Laura P. 19 years, 10 months ago

Kellie, Just wanted to wish you the very best, and welcome to the other side. Hugs, Laura P in Hawaii.....LOL now I am actually in Virginia 351.5/229/180 goal
About Me
Fredericksburg, VA
Surgery Date
May 24, 2004
Member Since
