It's been crazy

Oct 01, 2009

This week has flown by.  I thought that I would never get here.   I spent every single day this week with doctors appointments in preparation for Monday.  Tonight I went to my first support group meeting.  I was immediately impressed that all three surgeons, all three dieticians, and the nutritional psychologist were there!  It was amazingly motivating to see all these people- some of who really did start where I am now- looking so healthy and happy.  They shared things about dealing with head hunger, recognizing it, self image, rewarding and caring for themselves.  Dr. Barba made an interesting remark.  He said something to the effect that what he is seeing with his long term patients that are regaining and struggling is that they are NOT the ones going to the support group.  Chef Dave is going to be at the next meeting and I hope to be able to go to that meeting.  I am more motivated having gone and less worried.  What a great group of people :)

Tomorrow morning is my IVC placement.  I am sure it will go fine.


About Me
New Britain, CT
Surgery Date
Jan 11, 2009
Member Since

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