okiechic7 15 years, 6 months ago

I know that you thought you would be on the road to your new life right now....I also know that maybe taking this step has taken you on a turn you never expected. I am sorry for what you are experincing. I am so glad the Dr's have discovered what they have and can get to the bottom of all of it. God is in control no matter which way life turns us..... I am praying all goes well with you and that you are touched with healing hands. I will continue to pray for you and your family as you go through this and until you are on your feet once again. Sherry

My_Name_is_Earl 15 years, 6 months ago

Congratulations! Glad it was uneventful.

Nancy Gene B. 15 years, 6 months ago

By now you are probably back in room 12 -- the same room I was in! Welcome to the loser's bench! I am praying that you will have a smooth and successful journey.

Lyntoral 15 years, 6 months ago

HEY THERE !!! Hope all goes well for you. You're in my thoughts and prayers. I know your sis will take good care of you. It's great you have the support of one who's "been there." Keep us posted on your progress and hope to see you at meeting tomorrow night !!!

ssaassypants 15 years, 6 months ago

Just wanted you to know that you was on my mind and in my prayers!!!! Welcome to the losers bench and congrats on making one of the most important decisions of your life! The journey has just began hold on to your seat its a wild ride!!!!

cowboyonfire 15 years, 6 months ago

Camille, You're getting this note from me to let you know that you're a wonderful asset to our community of people! We LOVE you! Just think of how nice it's gonna be toshop for new clothes with Amy.....and be able to get cat-calls and whistles and "hoots" from construction guys..... well you get my drift! You're gonna be IN DEMAND with that new self image and the great body tht's waiting for you around the corner! If there's anything you need, just give me a shout! T.

fleemore1 15 years, 6 months ago

Welcome to the "Looser's Bench. You are getting ready to go on the ride of your life. You're going to do awesome and have a wonderful surgeon and staff to take care of you. Prayers are going up for your speedy recovery. What a Christmas gift for yourself!!!

Crickett_1 15 years, 6 months ago

Thinking of you Camille. You are in the best of hands. Hope you have a speedy recovery and I know that your sis will take the best of care of you. See you tomorrow. Rita

Anna R. 15 years, 6 months ago

Camille, your surgery will go great - I am very excited for you and a big congrats for jumping through all the loops and finally getting here! You will be so happy you did this and I can't wait to see your progress! Anna

marylaw 15 years, 6 months ago

I know you are about to be wheeled into surgery, Camille. I am praying for you, that you experience tremendous peace right now and that you know that you are in the Cleft of the Rock. I know you know what that means. You're going to be fine. Jesus of Nazareth is passing your way. Blessings, Mary
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Jul 20, 2008
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