Beep Beep Beep

Jul 27, 2014

"She's coming around" that's the first thing I heard along with beeping when I woke up in post-op. But all I felt was nauseous a nauseousness I have never felt before. That's when I noticed I couldn't speak because their was a tube down my throat. I opened my eyes to see two nurses standing on either side of the bed. I started pointing at my throat when one of the nurses started to speak "You have a tube down your throat we will take it out in a moment." I know the nurses were doing their job and I was still loopy from all the medicine but I got mad at the nurse after he said that because I could not understand why he didn't get that I was nauseous and wanted to throw-up. it didn't dawn on me till later that they couldn't read my mind. After they took the tube out of my throat I went in and out of consciousness most of the night. At some point I remember they moved me to ICU. What I do remember is that they had to turn off at pain meds the night after I had the surgery because they thought I had was having trouble breathing. Little did everyone know that the machine wasn't working right lets just say I woke up screaming. Thank goodness I had such amazing nurses that took such good care of me. I had to take a 5 week course before I could have the surgery during one of the classes they told us about a moment a what have I done to myself moment. For me it came the day after I had the surgery. I was sitting up for the first time in 24 hours and as I sat alone in my room in ICU in more pain then I had ever been in all I could think over and over again was what have I done to myself. I was tired, lonely, in pain and had tubes everywhere. When you get to that place you think it will never get better but it did. I just took longer then i thought it would. I was only supposed to be in ICU for 24 hours I was there for 3 day. I had never had high blood pressure in my life but for the first 36 hours after the surgery its was a lot higher then it should of been and that worried Doctor M. By the end of the 3rd day it had gone down enough to move me out of ICU . I wish I could tell you that the rest of my hospital stay was went by without any problems but at last I cannot but you will just have t wait to hear the rest.

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Jul 24, 2014
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