Day 5 of Opti!

Oct 09, 2011

well i am now day 5 of optifast and i just want to say this seems like the hardest part of the whole process! but i might say otherwise AFTER they play with my digestive tract lol
i can only imagine that the next 9 days will get easier as the first 5 already have been extremely difficult. i go to bed early now so i am not tempted to snack as i get real hungry in the evening. i have no problem getting in all 4 shakes, infact, now that i mix them with crystal light and they taste so yummy, i look forward to them!! the thought of cheating crosses my mind everyday but i cant and wont do it. ive come this far, and it would just be a big disappointment to myself and i dont think i could live with that!! the surgeon gives strict orders to follow on optifast for a reason and thats what i will do! my strep throat and flu are gone now, thank goodness. that penicillin really does the trick. right now im just battling a little cold. the weather here cant make up its mind!! one day its 14 degrees C, the next its 26!! my boyfriends family (whom i live with) are being so super supportive. things like not eating around me or his parents leaving the house to "run errands" when really they go grab a bite to eat elsewhere so i dont have to smell food being made lol my boyfriend is supportive too. he keeps an eye on me and makes sure i am doing ok and goes to the grocery store so i dont have to and listens to me bitch and whine about how hungry i am lol
so surgery is next thursday at HRRH and the closer it comes the more surreal it feels!!!! and i can guarantee i will not be getting any sleep the night before. ive already gathered up some supplies i will need to take with me. its great being able to read about others experience in the hospital and what they wish they had brought because now i know what i can bring. well as i type i am almost done my morning shake so im going to get up and do other things to keep me busy, or go back to bed so i dont feel hungry lol :)


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