Update :D surgery date booked!!!

Sep 23, 2011


ok so i posted in the forum but forgot to post on my profile blog.
i met with my surgeon for the 2nd time yesterday at his office and got to book my surgery date! my surgery is october 20th at HRRH, RNY at 9am.
results from some bloodwork showed that i have low iron and protein so im working on that right now. i cant believe how fast i got booked for surgery! its the day of my niece's bday and my best friends moms bday also, so a happy day :)
i dont have all the support i want and need from my side of the family....
my sister in law was between 300-350lbs years ago and she managed to lose the weight over the years through diets, lifestyle changes and exercise so to her and my brother i am taking the easy way out and it seems unnecessary. that hurts a lot. my boyfriends family is very supportive however and so are my closest friends. my family means the world to me so i hope soon enough they can get past their views and see things from my perspective. i know this isnt a quick fix or miracle cure...its a tool to aid in my success of weight loss to a healthier lifestyle. no i havent always made good decisions when it comes to food and exercise but i think i speak on behalf of 50% of people who have this surgery done because you develop health concerns along the way. my family seems to think i can make lifestyle changes and exercise and shrink my stomach the natural way...ok yes i probably could...but its not that easy? does that mean i AM taking the easy way out by having RNY? no...i am simply doing for me what i feel is best that is going to give me the MOST success in my weight loss journey. i cant wait to prove my family wrong. anyway, thats my little rant.
i was able to upload more photos tonight which was kinda fun because when i did my profile picture, it was a huge pain in the ass so it made me not want to upload more pictures lol but it was way easier and i hope to find more pics of me. i think i probably went off track with my rant...im not sure what else to say, oh wait! i go on opti fast for 2 weeks starting october 6. on october 4 i go for my PATT at 8am. i think thats all for now.


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Apr 24, 2011
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