How I am doing now

Sep 19, 2010

I since had my hernia removed I was off work for 8 weeks. I thought I was going to die I was in so much pain after having the surgery. Now I am 10 months out I have lost 79 pounds and I am finally able to eat real food with out gagging. My body has changed so much I have lost the ablilty to pass gas without pooping which sucks big time. I have to be careful what I eat because it is coming out (I know that is TMI) and the smell is like no other. I can honestly say I love the way I look now when people see me they do a double take just to make sure it is me. I have lost a total of 79 pounds I am down from 265 to 186 the last time I weighed in the 100 range I was 18 at 191 pounds. I do hate that I have lost my hair and it is very thin I will be glad when it grows back I need to up my vitamin intake. I still have not gotten around to posting any pictures yet just lazy but I feel so good about me now my confidence is through the roof. I know I got to get serious about working out more and taking better care of myself but I am getting there wish me luck. :)


About Me
Milwaukee, WI
Surgery Date
Jun 07, 2009
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