August 2010

Aug 21, 2010

August 21, 2010
     There has been a lot going on this month.  It has kept me pretty busy, so I haven't been here much.
     This is the month that teachers begin to think about everything they need to accomplish for school to begin.  I have been working on several things over the summer...but had to wait until recently in order to get the classroom prepared.  My class moved from one hall to the other, it has changed from being a self-contained class, back to a resource setting. 
     I met with my doctor again and because the weight wasn't coming off...I am going to a medical weight loss center.  I am drinking 5 shakes a day and one of their food products.  I am doing very well, not hard to follow.  The only thing was....I AM HORRIBLY WEAK AND TIRED.  Last weekend I ended up with fever and by Monday I was back at the doctor's office.  He did bloodwork and took an x ray.  Everything seemed to be fine except that my white blood count showed that I might have a virus.  So all last week I fought fever and weak spells, and sweating profusely.  Finally Thursday got here and I had another appointment with them.  I had been also having severe muscle spasms.  I had a couple in his office...he gave me a b12 order to take b complex, magnesium oxide and eat chicken and salad once a day...WOW... a prescription to eat...ha/ha....never thought that would happen.
     Of course...after being on all know what happened...I have put on a couple of pounds...but I had just lost 18 in 2 weeks...and I am feeling a little I will keep the two pounds for now and lose them again.
     I wanted to have revision surgery early this didn't then I kind of settled for it to happen around Thanksgiving...but if I can get my weight down in order to be more successful...I am for that too.  Maybe I will wait until the beginning of next summer.  I also have to have some surgery on my legs....lack of circulation in them...wearing circulation knee hi's and in this 100 plus weather..sure makes it hot.  BUT I have to lose some weight before I can have that done also.
     I am just ready to feel better and get myself back to the gym....I just can't go the way I have been feeling...I will look like all of those people in the Biggest Loser...falling off the treadmill.  It has been bad enough...that I put up one edge of the border on the board...sweat, feel like I am fixing to pass out and then sit and rest in order to get  up and do one more side in order to get something done.


About Me
west monroe, LA
Surgery Date
Jul 15, 2005
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