Shoes and clothing and undies, oh my!

Mar 23, 2012

So, I finally bit the bullet and bought some new freaking shoes. The one thing I wasn't expecting is to have to replace every single pair of shoes I own. Let me take a minute to mourn my beautiful pair of Munro work shoes. They were super comfy with soft beautiful black leather and 9 months ago fit my foot like a glove. Now they are falling off of my feet. I wore those for 2 years to almost every business function and conference, so comfy and so perfect. They were $250. They were size 9w or maybe 9.5w. Now, I'm wearing 8.5m or 8w or even 7.5w depending on the shoe. I'll miss them but I'm letting them go... passing them on to someone else. I've lost almost 2 shoe sizes! I still wear wides in a lot of brands, but my foot shrank, it's just regular wide, not extra wide or something like that.

It's weird. I never thought my feet were fat! *laughing* So, over the past few weeks, I've picked up new workout shoes, a few pair of business/casual shoes and a pair of brown loafer type shoes. I bought most of them at Shoe Carnival, so good quality, but not super high quality. I don't THINK my shoe size will change any further, but I don't want to stock up on super nice shoes until I know for sure.

I knew I'd go through clothes and I've been super lucky in that my friends that have seen my body shrinking that are also on their own weightloss journey have shared with me as they outgrow (under grow?) their clothing. This has been HUGE as I've only had to buy two pair of nice business pants. I own my own business and work at home so I can usually get away without casual stuff. But I started in a size 34. I'm now a size 24/22 (depends on the cut, of course). That's a LOT of rotation into and out of my closet! It's been a daunting task keeping up with it. I'll put something on and realize that it's HUGE on me. I even have all new pajamas! 

The clothing thing is both really cool and really daunting. I didn't have many 34s and quickly moved in 32s. Then I was stuck at 26/28 for FOREVER. 24s I'm mostly in now, but am starting to move into 22s. It's a constant process of trying stuff on and putting into the closet in the "fits, but give it another few pounds before it rocks" pile and "dear god, it's huge now, give it to someone else" pile. Right now my closet is pretty full. I have lots of 24s and am starting to filter 22s into it. I have boxes of 22s and 20s and 18s and 16s. Thankfully, I only have a couple of boxes of those to deal with right now, but I have 2 more bags coming to me this weekend. And FIVE bags of stuff to give to someone else in the trunk of my car.

I'm not complaining, really, but I didn't even really consider clothing. I figured I'd buy a few essentials and then just deal. I'm SO glad I didn't have to do that because I love clothes and I wear a lot of them and variety. But dealing with the in and out flow is so overwhelming at times! I'm lucky that people have been supplying me with stuff so I don't have to think about it too much. 

I'm not sure what to do about clothes. I've had to shop at Catherines and Catherines only for years. I shopped at Lane Bryant and that was exciting, but now I'm realizing that I can likely find stuff at Dress Barn and even Target. The idea of shopping is daunting to me. I'm glad I haven't had to deal with it too much yet. Every time I do have to deal with it, I end up in tears because the size on the tag doesn't match the picture in my head. I'm SLOWLY catching up, but it seems like as soon as I get "okay" with it, I drop another size. LOL! I seem to be falling through the sizes a little faster now. I'm having to change things out every 20 pounds or so. I do look forward to seeing where I will end up. I think a size 16 is easily attainable for me, but I also though 20 would be the lowest and I now know I'll go below that.

It's just... overwhelming... at times.

I'm still struggling with underwear. I have SO much overhang that it hangs out the legs. I simply haven't been able to find a pair that is truly comfortable with small enough leg holes (I have chicken legs). Sigh. It's annoying. I can't wait to lose the rest of this and get that lopped off. I'm tired of dealing with it. I've considered buying all compression shorts with a cotton crotch and just using that. It's become THAT big of a burden.

Onward and upward. It's all good stuff, but just things I didn't think would be a big deal.


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Austin, TX
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Mar 12, 2010
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