month 29

Nov 01, 2013

I am content with where I am, and working to maintain staying in this place.  Exercise has been steady at four times a week or more for an hour.  Its usually brisk walking with some very light jogging, or the elliptical trainer.  Light weights to hold while walking.  Now I am tryig to incorporate push ups.  I am still doing low carb, and have frankly been PO'd at the people still running around with their "calories in and calories out is the only way" banners.  If that works for you, that is good, but shut up about it being the only way, cuz DUH, its not.  No more guilt.  Its worse than high school cliques on here sometimes.  Ugh.

As an experiment, I started tracking my calories through my fitness pal, and wanted to see what my results told me.  Eating the amount of calories that I eat daily, which is over 1700, and given that I only do brisk walking with light weights (not very high in the calorie burning dept), I should be gaining.  According to fitness pal, at the end of this five week tracking stint, eating the amount of calories that I eat, I should be very close to  200 pounds.  I am 178.0 today.  Smaller than I ever wanted to be.  I have been low-carbing it for most of this post-VSG journey.

Low  carb is not for everybody.  There have, and always will be, ups and downs with eating, whether we are on low-carb, vegetarian, or whatever way of eating we choose.  I get it.  Heck its not going to be perfect all of the time.  And thats cool.  If you have a healthy way that works for you, use it to the max.  I know  that Ive been the most emotionally stable , nightmare free, even skin-toned, FULL (not stuffed) and satiated on low carb.   Nothing beats a medium, well-seasoned steak, with a side of broccoli, brussel sprouts, greens, or green beans.  Nothing!  I love making soups, chili's, roasts, wings, all kinds of chicken, love fish (but cant cook it to save my life), meatballs, burgers, love to grill....low carb is HOG.HEAVEN. for me.  I get to have all kinds of fruits, and have Atkins Endulge deserts with cool whip for treats.  I can eat at fast food joints,, have rich creams and dressings, and if I die, I WILL DIE LITTLE, FULL AND HAPPY.

Im rarely 100%.  Last night, I had two bite-sized Butterfingers and a handful of fries, on top of what I I usually eat.  And I did not overburden myself with guilt, I was not a failure, and I was aware and logged what I ate.  Some days are harder than others.  Thats LIFE.  But we can do this.  We can.  we can get up, and take it one meal, one moment at a time.  This is my way.  This is the way that works for me, with the added powertool of VSG.  It may not work for others, others may be appalled at the idea of it, and thats OK.  They gotta do what is right for them.  But no poster-toting, calorie-counting judgy mcjudgerson could make me go back to that way of eating.  I love my VSG, I looovee my WOE, and I love ME.


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May 09, 2011
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