
Tres. {3}

Mar 15, 2013

So, it has been 3 challenging, long, short, easy months. I honestly cannot put a word on this journey. My success is determined by the way I feel... by the way my health is reacting to the weight loss not by me wanting to be Barbie...or Beyonce. I thrive to be healthy and I must say in the past 60 days my body is saying " Where the hell did this mamsita com from?!" Just going to break down the way I have changed. Physically- Outside, Physically- inside,Mentally, and Lifestyle....Also some other updates.  Before reading; just to put it out there, I have polycystic Ovarian syndrome and I will probably reference to that at times.

Physically- Outisde

My body seems to be adjusting fine. I thought...for some reason that it would go into some sort of shock.

My skin is clearer, brighter. Hair is actually... thicker. granted I have been taking biotin and b12 like crazy! 

My breast have not left me...niether has my rear.. but I am sincerely not complaining. However my waist has shrank dramatically along with my neck, face, and a little in my lower abdomen. 

My starting measurements were: BUST:: 45, WAIST::43, HIPS::: 44

                   ending measurements BUST:: 41, WAIST::32, HIPS:::41 an hourglass.!!..who knew?

                                                                                          WITH A 55LBS WIGHT LOSS!!

side note- sex is fantastic. kiss


Physically- Inside

I am now off of all medication. No more metphormin or blood pressure pills.

My insulin resistance is gone with my blood sugars hanging out in the 80's-low 100's

Blood pressure sitting at a lovely 132/75

However my periods are still off track. It is staying along the lines of my birth control But this past time was different. My period normally comes around the 20th each month. It ended on Feb 23, 2013. Then it started up again on the 8th of March and it was heavy. Maybe this is my body readjusting? I do not know. As far as my hormone levels testosterone is lower... which is fantastic.


I still see myself as this fat girl. Honestly think I look beautiful but I just can't get my head around that fact that... I am not longer huge, massive,fat,... I am chubby here and there but not everywhere. I put on clothes and go "Wow, where did this body come from?" This will taking some getting used to.

My life has changed dramatically. And I have not been happier.

Habit/Lifestyle Reboot

Eating habits have definitely taken a turn for the best. I eat lean means. Chicken breast, pork loin, sirloin, ect.But seems like that is all I eat. I do not have room for my meat plus vegetables. Typically I will eat my meat then later as a snack I will have some raw carrots, asparagus, or a my fav! BABY BELL CHEESE. yum. 

Water. I might as well turn into a fish.

Work outs. I have been born over into a lover of running. Oh, how I have missed it. Also I focus on my arms, and stomach a good bit. I am so far liking the results.

With all of this said I will refer to my first sentence. This past 3 months have been challenging.. more so with myself than anything else. Long because of how many mini stalls I hit due to my period acting crazy. Short because time flies when life is positive and lifting you up instead of fat weighing you down! Easy...because I love my new life and I would like for me to stay healthy for my Fiancee' ... for me!! A long, healthy life is an easy decision to make.

Side notes is that my wedding date is August 28th, 2013. that is when I will post some pictures! That will be my nine months out.

If anyone reads this and has questions or anything I am here.

Thanks for looking and be blessed.

- Katie



About Me
Surgery Date
Nov 05, 2012
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