First Goal Reached!!

Aug 07, 2011

 I have set my goals at 50lbs losses (because 150, looks like a such a huge number, so I set smaller goals).  I did my weekly weigh in this morning, and I have lost 51lbs total!    So I have reached my first goal on this weight loss journey.  My back (I have a herniated disc) has not hurt, my ankles no longer swell, I'm down 2 shirt sizes, and a pant size.  I have so much energy and just feel like moving, moving, and moving.  This is so different thant the sedentiary lifestyle that I led for years before this.  Even with the minor issues (no appetite, constipation, etc.), I do not regret having this surgery.  Well, my only regret is just not doing it sooner.  I just turned 40 and have a "new" me, so I have lots of living to do to now and enjoying all of it!  Well, here's to the next 50!  


About Me
Surgery Date
Mar 18, 2011
Member Since

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