update, 5 months post op

Oct 29, 2012

well, here i am, surg went ok, found out i was quite the bleeder, thanks to the supplements i had been taking. my cousin whitney came with me to edmonton, we were there from a mon to a sat, was supposed to stay until the following monday, but i missed james too much. so i flew home early, naughty me! dr karmallis team was great, they kept me in hospital 5 days, so that was nice. i got up and walked almost right after surg, they were impressed, i couldnt wait to start on fluids, but wasnt alklowed until the following day. the day after surg they did a leak test, i sipped up that dye solution like id just crossed the dessert! i was sooooo thirsty, that went wekll, so once i was back in my room i started sipping. 1ounce every 15 mins is what i was allowed. the worst part for me was when they removed the drain, the day they discharged me. the nurse ripped it out of me, it felt disgusting!. the worst pain i had was strangly the back pain for the 1st couple hours after surg, man i dont know how theyve got you layin ion that operating table, but my back was in agony. very little incision pain. once home, i did ok, until 2 horrible things happened, 1st i had a sneezing fit, and ended up tearing some internal stiches, 2nd i got so terribly constipated, i hadnt pooped in 10 day, then for the next 4 days i was in the biffy, sweating, shaking, and crying for 2 hours at a time, finally after 5 doses of milk of magnesia i went, boy did i go! needed a shower, had to throw out my undies, and clean the bathroom, even the walls! it was horrible! about 7 weeks after surg, i ended up in st boniface emerg with a gallbladder attack. it was so bad they admitted me. after 2 ultrasouinds, an mri, and a blood transfusion, they finally removed the darn thing. they told me it was gangerous, necrotic, and there was pus everywhere. apparently i could have died if it stayed in much longer. a month later i had a follow up with the surgeon dr v fraser, awesome lady!! she said i bet you had a lot of pain from the navel incision, i was ummm, yeah. she went on to tell me that they go in put a baggie in you, place the gallbladder in the baggie then pull it out. well they were yanking on mine but they couldnt get it out through the navel incision, so they had to go back in and crush what they discovered was a stone over an inch in diameter!! crazy stuff i tell ya! after my gallbladder, i couldnt keep anything down, even water was painful, nothing tasted good either. so for a month i lived on pepsi slurpees and milk. i quite losing weight, i guess at least i didnt gain. then our house flooded, my dads was in the hospital.... again, i tried taking on alot, more time with bronwyn, getting her up and ready for school, very stressful, always a fight, trying to work on my spirituality, got interested in larping, too much for me, i got very overwhelmed, and started eating crappy food. again still no losing, which bummed me out even more! so here i am now, trying to get back on track, im starting to come back to OH ive started reading my wls books again, and my recent trip to edmonton have all helped. i think im back on track now. my biggest weakness was liquid calories, i was also drinking alot of paralyzers! not just the slurpees....ugh. well since edmonton ive only had 1 slurpee, and one night of drinking alcohol, and ive even switched from paralyzers to vodka orange juice and watered down oj at that. much less calories! like they say on these boards, they can fix your stomache but not your head. 


About Me
winnipeg, XX
Surgery Date
Oct 31, 2011
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