
May 03, 2012

For those of you who need a pep talk, I highly recommend making as many friends on Obesity Help as possible!!!  I have been in a funk, mainly because I have not followed my own advice (support, talking about feelings, understanding surgery & the time it takes to recuperate, what else am I forgetting???)  We all have moments where we feel like things aren't going our way (no guaranty in life), and we aren't in control of our (you fill in the blank), but how we raise above this, well that shows how well we are liked -- by others as well as by ourselves.

Mahalo is a great word, I love it, and laugh every time I hear the clerks at Walmart in Kahalui say it over the intercom -- MAHALO!  It means thanks.  I spent almost two hours writing folks who had written me over the last two weeks -- if I missed anyone, please tap me on the shoulder, YOU do matter to me!!!  In my "poor me" moment that has lasted (cringe) close to two weeks, I realized two things: I am not a good victim, and I have LOTS of folks who see me as their friend.  Friends are what Mahalo means most to me.

Mahalo is appreciating others, making sure they know you appreciate them, even if you work at Walmart.  When you are having a "poor me" moment, maybe ask yourself, "what have I done for others?"  Then, you can see all the things others do for you.  This is why I try to write each and every person who comes into contact with me on OH, because I appreciate that they took the time to support me.  Okay, another Hawaiian word from this Haole (pronounced "How-Lee" it is sometimes considered a slur, but I wear it with pride, as I am not a Native to Hawaii): Ohana.  Ohana is family, not just the ones who are blood related, the ones whom you call "Auntie/Uncle" who are there for you because they want to be.  Yup, I have had some wonderful Ohana in my short time on this planet, and I hope I can be a "good Auntie" to others.

When you feel like you need support, sometimes you need to open your mouth.  Sleepless nights will go away when you feel the energy from others who care about you.  Oh, so do not worry about me, I am happily thinking of other subjects I want to share -- is talking about my sex drive a little too personal???  I'll save that one for another time!

Much Mahalo to my Obesity Help Ohana!!!  If you need support, I swear I am HAPPY to give it!!!
Stay Positive!!!
Brenda : )~

