Caution, Weight Loss Causes Your FEET to Shrink...

Aug 22, 2011

Hidee-Ho folks!  I am dealing with an overcast Monday, but still seeing a happy, shiny day here in Seattle!  We actually had temperatures over 80 this weekend, followed by 50% chance of rain come the work week... So, what's a girl to do for inspiration?  I go to my OH page & start corresponding with my Peeps.

Why the title?  I'll tell you!  I was chatting with a friend who just splurged on some cute shoes, which made me laugh and feel the need to warn her -- Losing weight will make your feet shrink, so don't splurge too much!  I love shoes.  No, really, I LOVE SHOES!  I got nicknamed Imelda Marcos when my boyfriend saw HOW MANY shoes I needed to donate, before moving in with him over five years ago. I had so many, I literally gave two truck transmission sized boxes to my local women's shelter, and still had a LOT left over.  What he failed to understand with this:  When you are fat, you may have a hard time finding clothing to buy - but SHOES always come in MY SIZE!

Everyone has their, "When I was little" story, so here is mine.  Growing up the only daughter with three older brothers and a divorced mother, I only got one new pair of shoes a year.  My mother would get so angry with me for wearing them out -- I walked everywhere back in those days.  But my mother actually took me to Stride Rite in those days, because I had a wide foot.  I adored getting fitted, "My Princess" was what the man always called me, so I LOVED getting my new shoes!  My mother also adored patten leather shoes on my feet -- the typical Mary Jane style.  When I was angry with my mother, I would go off to my room, put on my Mary Jane's, and get on my bed, butt against the way, and arc my feet back & forth against said wall.  I was mad, mom could hear me in my room destroying my heels, so two birds, one stone.  When I was a teen, I worked, so I could finally have as many shoes as I wanted.  I started amassing many shoes back in those days.

Being fat all my life, and having a mom trying to get by with four kids, I really didn't have a great wardrobe.  Clothing was a pain in the butt to find, but shoes, I could usually find shoes that fit - just get a longer shoe if I couldn't find a wide enough one, there is always a way to find shoes for me.  Maybe it is my way of dealing (in a negative way) with what I perceived as "not getting enough" when I was growing up.  I also figure that is why I like being the center of attention, there were four of us growing up in the same house.  I kind of got off topic, so let me bring it back!

When you lose weight, your feet really do shrink.  I know this, as I have BOXES of lovely high heeled shoes I bought because I could, and never wore while I was at my heaviest.  Having lost enough weight to be able to wear my cherished high heels, I did not factor in that my feet SHRANK!  Talk about cruel and inhumane treatment!  I lost all this weight, let me strut!!!  My friends have already started going through my spare bedroom, where I keep my stash.  Tears came when my boyfriend told me I needed to do something with all my shoes, so I agreed and allowed some of my pretty shoes go to new homes.  Shhh, don't tell him, but I still have two boxes in the spare room, under the bed!!!  I am slowly going through all my shoes, finding which ones can work, and trying to deal with the ones that don't.  The moral to my story, don't be like me & buy too many things if you are planning on losing weight -- WAIT until you have lost to buy all the pretty things you want right now!

Brenda : )~

