May, Already???

May 03, 2011

Howdy All!  Another month has flown by, and here I am still swimming and still battling the weight loss!  The last month was incredibly cooler than it should have been, so I was glad to see April finish.  I hate being cold, and the monthly average was just 52 degrees, so much for Springs warmer weather.  That is what I get for living in Seattle...

With the occasional sunny day, I have already spent three days doing yard work.  So far I have cleared enough weeds to fill two 90 gallon containers, and a 33 gallon container -- that is a LOT of weeding!  I still find bending over to be difficult because I get woozy.  It isn't because of lack of hydration - I drink over 80 ounces of water daily.  I am waiting for my six month appointment to consider why I may still have positional hypo-tension, maybe the blood work will give us a clue. 

For those of you not already "there," I am comfortable with taking all my supplements, so worry not - if I can do it, you can too!  The three month blood work was excellent, so I am hoping to ace the next test.  Who says you can't study for a blood test?! 

Spring brings such lovely things!  I was just asked today if I would be the Groom's Gal - as one of my lifelong friends is about to "pop the question" to his girlfriend.  I laughs heartily when I agreed to stand next to my friend, and told him to let me know what he would like me to wear -- as I have some fabulous gowns I am able to fit back into... Another good reason for my swimming - so I look great in their wedding photos!

My weight loss is slowly coming along, and I am pretty happy with how well I am taking this.  Yes, I have moments of frustration, but I cannot beat myself up for all the hard work I have put into myself.  If you are having trouble, just remember to keep a few things in our mind -- "I didn't gain all this weight in a (day, week, month, year), so it is going to take at least THAT long to lose it!"  "Good things come to those who wait, but pushing really hard sometimes makes it come faster!"  "What doesn't kill me (exercise), makes me stronger!"  "The best exercise of all, pushing AWAY from the table!"  Oh yes, I have MANY great little ditties to keep me going!  I think the one that works best of all:  Stay Positive!

I am closing in on my next goal weight - I am just six pounds from my next one!  To all of you coming along with me for the journey - THANKS for all the encouragement!  To all out there who need a little extra encouragement, please let me know!!!  It isn't the easiest journey to make on your own, so having some company will get us through!  Stay Positive!

Brenda : )~

