How Do I Swim So Far, and How YOU Can, TOO...

Apr 06, 2011

In my quest for my goal of swimming 5000 meters in a day, I have been slowing increasing the amounts I swim each day.  First, I want everyone reading this to realize I could not swim more than 500 meters the first day I started this journey.  So see, you start with a base, and build from there.  Before surgery I was able to swim 2500 meters, but usually swam 2000.  I do feel a difference having lost a big chunk of weight - and I am less buoyant.  Think of dragging an inner tube as opposed to a solid hull skimming the water - less drag!

Other comments have been "How do you keep count?"  Okay, I am easily distracted, so I make my swims as easy as I can.  The pool is 25 meters, so I count my lengths until I get to 20.  When I hit the magic 20, I allow myself to drink water, clear the fog from my mask, and check the clock to see how I am doing.  I can usually do 20 lengths in 15 minutes - this helps, because I actually have lost count how many times I did my 20 lengths!  If there is a question, I look at the clock and do the math.  I had been doing 100 lengths (five sets of 20), which equals 2500 meters.  Five sets of 20 is easier to count then losing track somewhere in the middle counting to 100.   Then I decided to start doing six sets, which has now brought me to the golden number of 3000 meters.  I am unsure how long it will be for me to swim 200 lengths in one day, but I am shooting for it.

Since I do not have the best form swimming freestyle, I never was able to breathe on one side, I use a mask and snorkel.  I am able to just look down, straight ahead, and not worry about coming up on a certain stroke to get my breath.  The snorkel also has an added benefit many may not realize -- extreme deep breathing.  I have amazing lung capacity now, it had not always been this good, and I have had three medical professionals comment on my lung capacity.  Oh, and it is also great for after surgery, getting over the breathing tube!

And remember to switch up your strokes.  Some days I trade between strokes, others I concentrate more on others, it depends on how hard I want to work any set of muscles.  I have found that when I switch on my turn, I actually am not as tired as when I do one stroke continuously.  I cannot say if it is in my mind, or really less fatiguing.  You be the judge.

The next item in my bag of tricks is the waterproof MP3 player.  If you are willing to put some time & effort into hunting down either a bag/case for your existing player (I priced cases for iPod, decided it made more sense to just buy a complete player), you will be able to swim with music.  Another added benefit -- I get swimmers ear, and need ear plugs -- I now have ear buds keeping me entertained & water free!  My MP3 is (I guess) an old model, as I found it on Overstock dot com, with shipping, less than $30.  So, again, depending on your needs (my player is only one Gig, but it is enough for me) and willingness to look, you too can be swimming to whatever tunes float your boat.

When people comment about being "too fat" to swim in public, I want them to look for my August 2008 photo of me in one of my swimsuits.  I was 474 pounds, and yes, I swam in public all the time.  Having lost over 100 pounds is making going to the locker room a lot easier, but there are still moments I too feel the "I'm too fat" doubts.  I pull on my "big girl swimsuit" and march my butt to the pool, no one is going to stop me from enjoying my life.  If you are a larger woman, I am more than happy to give you suppliers of swimsuits - that will not break your bank. 

I really want to thank EVERYONE who has been cheering me on!!! Just remember to be your own cheerleader!  I always had this one inspirational comment running through my head:  There is no CAN'T, there is only WON'T.  I agree.  If I can, so can you!  Now get out there and swim your body healthy!

Oh, and I agree with many comments, the scale isn't always the best judge.  I realize I am working more muscle groups for a longer amount of time, I will see more lean mass than pounds down.  Maybe it is time to pull the old tape measure out...

Brenda : )~

