Just Ducky - The Meditative Hag

"It's Alive!"

Jul 05, 2010


Remember the iconic scene from "Frankenstein" when Dr. Frankenstein was running around, proclaiming his "monster" was alive and revived?

"It's Alive! Alive!!" (insane laughter).

Yep, that's me. I'm OFFICIALLY Alive now. I have come back to join the land of the living and can finally see some good from this surgery I had.

I had my surgery on the 29th, and although I was blessed and there were no early/surgical complications it did take me a good "week" to really throw off the anesthesia and for my body to kick start itself in to some semblance of running.

I have more energy today, the pain is near nonexistent. The surgical site(s) are itching madly (always a sign of healing! At least for me!) and best of all...No more constant diarrhea and/or inner gassy crampy pain where you can't get comfortable in any position.

Don't even have to use the pillow for holding my guts in now.

My Rottie, Bella is no longer watching me and whining as if any moment I will just keel over and die at her feet. The other two dogs also can tell "Mom" is back in full force and Nicky my green cheeked conure is happy that he can come out and hang out on my shoulder again.

Honestly, the other thing that helped a bit I think, was starting my protein shakes just a wee bit early. Technically I was supposed to start the protein shakes tomorrow on July 7th, but I was so weak and miserable I added some protein shake (like 4-6 oz per day) so my body would actually HAVE something to use to heal itself with.

The other thing is I can now officially say, "Yes! I can see what everyone says about the being COLD all the time." thing is.

All my nice FAT adult life, I had been the furnace from hell. I could be buck nekkid in the middle of Siberia and would have been warm. Today it was a toasty 98 in St,Louis and I felt a wee bit cool.

So, I look forward to getting my staples out. I look forward to healing more and moving on to phase 2 of the liquid/puree diet and I definitely feel good because I think I will do fine at the Renaissance Faire next month. (I had been worried I wouldn't be physically up to it, but now I think I will do fine.)

Yes Virginia...So far I am getting my monies worth from the surgery. After only a 20 lb loss, I already can MOVE so much better and am no longer bothered by the constant pain of degenerative Disk disease.

Until next time my little losers!


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Belleville, IL
Surgery Date
Nov 24, 2001
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